SunriseAve ITALY

Sunrise Avenue's Diary - Petrax Studio, Hollola Finland

Hey all! Greetings from Hollola Finland. We are here at Petrax studios, my new favorite place to make music. It’s some 100 Km from Helsinki and it’s the most relaxing place to hang out with the boys. We are recording a new song “Hollywood Hills” with a new Producer Mr. Jukka Immonen and his Left Hand Arttu “Narttu” Peljo. It’s seems as if SA will only use producers with the name Jukka. That’s fine with me. The new Jukka is also super successful here in the north with his productions and it’s very nice to work with new faces and fresh methods. New faces and fresh environments has been the theme for this year. I wrote “Hollywood Hills” on my last night in L.A. and for me it’s far the best song from my trip to California some months ago. And I gotta say the boys have been doing some good stuff to make our baby sound great. It’s kinda cool recording a song called Hollywood Hills in Hollola. This place is pretty far from where the song comes from… ;)This studio is like nothing else. It’s an old farm where they still have animals, huge fields and lakes around us and the view from the main control room is outstanding. I like the cool city studios for sure, but here you are so far away from everything that you just get to focus on music fully. The sweet couple owning the place, who also work with their farm from 6AM to night, cook us home food and we get to use their lakeside sauna and all facilities. Riku is a bit afraid of the horses. We might make a “Heppavideo” with him later on today…I had heard about this place from all the Finnish recording artists but I had no idea it’s THIS great! Especially Teijo from Killer Aspect, who also played some tracks on our first album, has been blasting about this place forever. Teijo was right. Any band even outside Finland should try this place to get the best out of their recording team. And the price is not bad at all. I can give you a good discount ;)The summer has been super amazing. We have had a perfect amount of shows all over and I am very happy how the audience still remembers us after a long break. And there are still many to go this summer and I heard about some new shows coming in… Good!So… now we’ll just record the new stuff with both Jukkas and their teams and I bet the album will be ready for release in January 2011. It will be very great. There are already many songs I can’t wait to play to you all. I am feeling very confident with the future of Sunrise Avenue. It’s been a super great and creative year after the acoustic tour in March. Thank you all for being there for us when the times were a bit harder. We wouldn’t be here without you.I love you all on Hollola Hills right now,Samu