Un blog creato da sunriseavenueitaly il 22/07/2007

SunriseAve ITALY

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Post N° 2

Post n°2 pubblicato il 26 Luglio 2007 da sunriseavenueitaly

Dal diario dei SUNRISE AVENUE by Samu

Summer driving & Flying through walls

Lakeuret ja Järvisuomi

I'm on my way to Copenhagen to shoot our next music video. I'm pretty tired – I didn't sleep that much last night because I drove through Finland with Sami (you can see some adult content at royalartistclub.con). We played 4 festival shows in 4 days in Lohja, Tampere, Vaasa and Iisalmi.

We took my car with Sami instead of the buss to ride free. It's so cool to wake up at the hotel and just sit an hour at the breakfast table and start driving when you feel like it. With the buss you must to have a clear schedule, it's so many guys.

The first show was at Lohja at Rantajamit (Isn't Finnish language funny ;). All was ok apart from the weather but fortunately the whole thing happened in a huge tent. The only thing I must say the Finnish festival organizers can't take care of is the privacy stuff. It's only in Finland where you get to your dressing room after the show and it's less than a minute when people are knocking the door to get autographs. Cultural thing. We drove home after the show to get deep sleep in our own beds.

The rest of the week we just drove with Sami in my car and listened to some great music. Keith Urban's latest album was on for more than half of the time. It's soooo good! At Tammerfest I experienced a fan attacking me for the first time. It was this older drunk "lady" who just walked to me as I was signing autographs after the show and she grabbed my balls. I didn't realize how hard I pushed her away. She really flew a few meters against the fence and the security fence went down. Primitive reaction. Fucking idiot! The faces of the younger girls were a bit shocked but you gotta draw the line somewhere. I felt a bit bad for 3 seconds. On the other hand, some folks don't meet their fans and since I and we do it, there's always a risk some one is a bit too excited. It's funny how we've only had problems with these drunk 40+ ladies. All else has been pretty ok. There was this one very drunk lady who forced herself into the backstage in Kuopio (Fin) and as I wasn't willing to kiss her, she decided to throw up on the backstage carpet.

The third show in Vaasa was our first real touch with the summer rain on stage. We had been really lucky with the weather so far but there it all changed. In a way it was cool to get really in front of the stage in the parts I don't sing and just rock in the rain. Sami had a lot of interviews that day alone. He's from that area and he was the big star of the day! And he did a great job, I have a lot to learn from him.

On the way to the fourth show in Iisalmi, we stopped at Sami's mom's in YLISTARO. It's where he's from and it's actually not the biggest city in my country ;=) Her mother cooked us some home made food and even the potatoes were from their own field!! So tasty!

The weather in Iisalmi was pretty much the same as it was in Vaasa, but the audience was just amazing. I mean they stood there in the heavy rain and were really loud. Usually when it rains it sure eats some of the energy.

12 minutes after the show, we already sat in my car with Sami on our way home. This is definitely the way to travel. You get to your own bed for the night. My mother sent me a message yesterday that she had bought me new pillows for my name day (you celebrate that elsewhere, right?) Not bad mom – Can't wait to lay my head on them ;=)

Copenhagen Denmark – Heal Me Video

I've been in Copenhagen a few days shooting video for Heal Me. It's a very cool story with some more artistic shots than what we have had in the previous videos. I flew through stuff, was in the ocean, was glued and all… The TWENTYFOUR SEVEN production team lead by the director ANDERS WALTER (Who is the brother of the lead singer of Danish band Grand Avenue – Check it out!) was so relaxed and nice that even though my days were really tough and long, it was definitely enjoyable.

The rest of the guys did their part on Monday morning and I got a later wake up. They only stayed for a few hours and I only saw them quickly. I had to do the acting – hope it looks good….. The feeling about the whole thing is really good. We will get first drafts next week and the video will be released in the fall along with the single.

I am actually on my way from Copenhagen to Helsinki to our studio to record vocals and guitars for the acoustic version of Heal Me. There will be many remixes and versions again, even a house remix, and that's so great that the record company invest in us and let us play with our songs like that.

I didn't sleep that much in Denmark. Both of the days more than 10 days of work and I was already tired when I got there. I hope I don't look to dead on the video. Copenhagen was really nice. The feeling was pretty much the same as it was in Brussels. It's very continental European, but has the best pieces of London in it. Whatever that means…

I'll have a nap now with Keith Urban…

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