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000-153 exam questions

In the enterprise IT infrastructure had become the scale of the time, Testinside IT on the importance of their core business is also becoming increasingly prominent. However, the lack of an effective IT risk control and governance, many companies are suffering from such a number of problems: the enterprise IT and data is always at risk, but the overall lack of security measures; enterprises can not predict the potential risks, not to adopt for of measures; enterprise IT can not guarantee the high availability, but not be allowed to respond to business needs in a timely manner, and for customers, employees and suppliers to provide high quality services, and so on.IBM 000-153 believes that in order for IT investment and business objectives consistent level of management required to improve service delivery to ensure business continuity and flexibility, and strengthen information security management point cut, the establishment of an effective "IT governance and risk management" strategy.As we all know, IBM 000-201 has been the most authoritative IT service management vendor, in promoting the process of IT management has done a lot of work and scientific. In response to IT governance and risk management needs of the market, IBM integrates its own in the services, software and hardware advantages in three areas, with their most extensive service in the industry, technology and product portfolio, IBM provides customers with several new capabilities, in order to achieve a more effective IT governance and risk management, in order to fully optimize business performance and flexibility.IT business dashboard (Business of IT Dashboard) is a suite of services based on asset evaluation, designed to help clients assess their current IT governance and risk management strengths and weaknesses of key areas, and to IT performance and business performance synchronization. And the other is usually limited only to a single system provides visibility of different IT monitoring tools, IT services Dashboard services and software (based on IBM Tivoli Netcool technology IBM System Certification) offer applies at all levels of users within and outside the IT department a complete view. It helps clients assess, plan, design, implement and manage real-time applications. These applications can support our customers to monitor and ensure IT activities, performance and business performance and results directly linked.Real-time response to security threats IBM Tivoli Security Operations Manager (IBM Tivoli Security Operations Manager IBM Certification) 4.1 version is a security event management platform, with some real-time dashboard to respond to intrusion from malicious outsiders, employees or contractors, and no intention of internal security threats designed to help enterprises maintain computer networks and systems designed to work properly. By IBM Tivoli software automatically analyzes the data in the IT infrastructure to detect security threats, to optimize the incident recognition, investigation and response process and its automation. It can support network security policies and IT control measures, monitoring and enforcement, will help users to quickly understand the security threats and policy violations, and taken measures to prevent the occurrence of these risks, while also providing operational and compliance focused strategy reports.Improved service management to make informed decisions The new Tivoli Business Service Manager (Tivoli Business Service Manager) software to support the business and operations staff with real-time status of critical business services and performance to help them make effective decisions. The software is brought about by the IBM acquisition of Micromuse's first fully integrated product, which also combines the Netcool / Realtime Acitve Dashboard and Tivoli Business Systems Manager (Tivoli Business Systems Manager). Tivoli Business Service Manager with a real-time service scorecards and key performance indicators, can provide the various services and processes high-level view. Operations staff can view real-time single device or system status, transaction failures, process bottlenecks, changes in normal revenue volume and more.