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IBM 000-152 exam information

I believe we still remember last December by the launch of IBM Certification associated with a set of Canonical virtual desktop solutions, recently there has been new progress, the two giants once again joined hands to jointly introduced a Linux-based systems. At a time when the release of Win 7, Is such a move at this time is like Microsoft destabilize it?Chadwick Martin Bailey, vice president, Chris Neal, said: "Our data show that recently a lot of organizations, plans to standardize the use of Windows 7 system. And no plan to follow up the Enterprise, most are still using XP, have not used Vista . "Exam Description IBM System x, Intel as an internationally renowned IT companies, with strong R & D background, the introduction of the certification system and training courses to professional needs as the starting point, in line with IT companies employing standard. IBM 000-152 and the Intel Software College education cooperation projects, both with a full set of complete system of cutting-edge teaching aids and resources, project cooperation in the provision of teaching services, partner institutions to help improve teaching strength. Students pass the exam will receive from the IBM Institute of Education and Intel Software College issued the corresponding certificate, the certificate will be IBM or Intel's official website included, by the tens of thousands of partners worldwide recognition.IBM and Intel Software College Accreditation is divided into primary, secondary and senior, junior may be the appropriate course examinations or by participating in professional examinations by the appropriate qualification certificate upon review direct access. The province can use computer grade examination certificate II (including two) or more applications corresponding IBM 000-319, Intel junior certificate, candidates are required to attend senior programs related projects IBM and Intel training course before taking part in certification exams. Students through advanced certification, training and assessment in accordance with the corresponding employment guarantee.In 2011 the Chinese glorious years, we have a reason to fight their own surprise and pride. In the first quarter of 2011, IBM China Software College will work together to Testinside site, CSDN IT training and education network with you "ferry," promising career.