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117-302 practice exam

The current international companies such as IBM, HP, DELL, Fujitsu, Hitachi, SUN, and so a lot of use with LPI certification, and supports, including X86, Itanium, AMD 64, IBM I / P / Z series, such as different hardware platforms, we can see Linux in the enterprise, the trend has been widely used. From Taiwan, 2000 to August 2005, through an analysis of the number of LPI certification, in January 2004 to August 2005, just a year and a half to grow nearly 2000 to January 2004 3 times, through the LPI certification surprising number of fast growth, we can see the importance of Linux certification.In my experience, LPIC Level 3 certification concepts and technologies are interlinked, Linux emphasize depth in the system, if one by one break through the class instructor vague concept, can truly break through barriers to learning, more efficiently, and through after school preparation and practice, whether in the LPI or RHCE certification obtained, able to break one by one.Taiwan's economy is gradually recovering in 2006, companies growing demand for 117-302, past, diploma first, now, the new license has become the mainstream of Marxism, with top international license, or even better than the academic elite, the license tendencies, you need a crucial piece of that? you have to consider the future of 117-301 to see what all the new trend?IT job market more competitive, how to keep itself competitive advantage? IT expertise into the IT industry, certification is a "golden key." IT companies by the internationally renowned professional certificate issued to prove that you have some professional IT skills, and general international recognition. The world's leading IT companies as: Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, Sun, Novell and so on. Take Microsoft, it implemented a global scale are Microsoft Network Engineer Certificate (MCSE (Microsoft Certified)), Microsoft's Professional Developer (MCSD), Microsoft database expert (MCDBA), among which, MCSE (Microsoft Certified ) is the industry-wide attention to the global computer network specialist, a MCSE certificate of no less than a college diploma gold content of gold. Well-known U.S. computer company Cisco presented the "Cisco" certification, it also attracts hundreds of thousands of computer industry's senior technical personnel.  At present the Testinside top certification 1T often associated with industry-leading technology companies directly linked to specific can be divided into network engineering, software development, database, application software and multimedia, and other major series.