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IBM 000-004 EXAM

Students and practitioners of many kinds of computer obsession with IT certification, its main purpose is to exchange for a good job and steady paycheck. From the regular national computer grade certification, the Cisco Certified strong commercial tastes, IBM certification, certified commercial companies, the domestic IT-related certification no less than twenty species. These certificates and salary really is equivalent to it? Today we will say to the bosses, the perspective they see the certificate!What is the most hungry boss certificate? Conclusion one: the certificate is not a panacea With the certificate is equivalent to have a stable job? Can bosses do not see it. IT certification were keen to forget about all kinds of IT certification in the end the market value of what is practical? First, to hire a "competent staff" rather than "a certificate of the employees." Although the certificate provides the basis for a proof of staff capacity, but too much trust in the certificate will have the opposite effect. As a general statement, if the boss, you do not need any other certificate, get a similar General MCSE certification on it.IBM and other training, recruitment advertising, often quoted to this argument, which won the "IBM Certified Engineer certificate will be able to take more than ten million annual salary. This kind of argument is nothing more than reinforce a mindset that" IT certification "as" worry-free future . "But the fact that the bosses does not think so, they will form with a complete set of questions to test your IQ and EQ, see if you fit a certain position.Conclusion two: Capacity is more important than the certificate More severe is the fact that the limitations of commercial certificates and timeliness. The survey, a boss of IT certification clearly not "cold", the reason is simple: some of the certificates often have some limitations, such as the IBM certification 000-009, generally speaking if the employer company is not doing IBM related products, the company IBM 000-009 certification will not hold people "cold."Timeliness is a serious problem, IT industry as a rapid development, upgrading of knowledge and practitioners are often the speed of the employment rate has a very close relationship. The IBM 000-004, for example, in order to maintain certification authority, IBM often soon after the birth of new products, new certification, for some IBM certifications I candidates for certification may just get in the hands of knowledge has been eliminated fate.Therefore, the majority owner said, the selection of employees to be more focus on the operational capacity of the staff. To strengthen the capacity of staff, staff participate in various certification exams, learn the latest cutting-edge knowledge. Speaking of certification have mentioned Testinside: the latest certification exam and training materials suppliers.