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ISEB BH0-006 exam

Getting Started with ISEB certification exam experienceISEB system ISEB certification very large system, learn it, we must first understand the framework of the ISEB. Here, a brief talk about the structure of ISEB, so beginners have an overall understanding of ISEB. Testinside can effectively help you through the ISEB certification.1, the physical structure (the control files, data files, redo log files, parameter files, archived files, password files) Control file: to maintain and verify database integrity contains the necessary information, for example, the control file is used to identify the data files and redo log files, a database requires at least one control file data files: data files stored in redo log files: with on changes to the database record, so that in case of failure to enable data recovery. A database requires at least two redo log file parameter file: define the characteristics of ISEB routine, for example, it contains some of the SGA memory structure to adjust the parameters of the size of the archive: the offline redo log files is a copy, these copies may be for from the medium is necessary to recover the failure. the password file: authentication which users have permission to start and shut down routines ISEB      2, the logical structure (tablespaces, segments, district, block) Table space: a database of the basic logical structure, a series of data files collection. Section: an object in the database space occupied area: a one-time set aside for data storage of a large block: ISEB the most basic unit of storage in a database when the specified3, the memory allocation (SGA and PGA) SGA: is used to store database information in the memory area, the information sharing process for the database. It contains the ISEB server data and control information, which resides in the ISEB server computer to the actual memory allocation, if the actual memory is not enough virtual memory go down to write. PGA: contains a single server process or a single background process data and control information, and contrary to several processes to share the SGA PGA is used only by a process of regional, PGA is allocated in the creation process, when the recovery process in the termination of4, the background process (data write process, the log writing process, system monitoring, process monitoring, checkpoint process, the archiving process, services, processes, user process) Data write process: responsible for the changes to the data from the database buffer cache to write data files log writing process: The change in the redo log buffer to write the online redo log file system Monitor: Check database consistency if necessary will also start the database when the database is open monitors the recovery process: the process responsible for a failure to clean up resources ISEB checkpoint process: whenever the buffer cache is responsible for the changes in the permanent records in the database, update the control file and data Document in the database state information. Archiving process: at each log switch to log full backup or archive services group process: the user process service. User process: the client is responsible for the user's SQL statement passed to the service process, and query the data back from the server segment.5, ISEB routine: ISEB routine by the SGA memory structure and background processes used to manage database components. Routines can only open and use a database.6, SCN (System Change Number): system change number, a serial number within the system maintenance. When the system needs to be updated automatically increase the time, he is the system in order to maintain data consistency and an important indicator of recovery.First, let's take a look at the most popular for the ISEB OCP certified DBAs. ISEB OCP DBA certification is the most popular of all ISEB certification of a certification, the certification process is designed for those who want professional management in the ISEB design of database managers for the OCP certification ISEB9I DBAs through improved, delete the backup and recovery, and network test, and, PL / SQL, SQL can be divided into different test, you need to pass BH0-006 exam. Exam Testinside provide the latest training and related exam.