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920-362 Exam Training

1 Nortel's VPN device remote dial-up client software. Commonly used IPSec technology, based on Internet and WAN, to achieve interoperability between devices remotely, the formation of a proprietary encrypted virtual VLAN. Relative to the DDN leased line access Telecom's approach is a relatively inexpensive VPN solution.Canadian telecommunications equipment maker - Nortel Networks Nortel Networks in Raleigh, North Carolina set up a factory to produce the largest digital switching system. In 10 years, the plant to develop into 17 buildings, covering about 300 million square feet of park. Nortel certification path for your help.2 VPN Overview Virtual Private Network (VPN) is deployed in public networks (Internet, frame relay, ATM, etc.) on a network for remote users, branch units, cooperative units and on the internal network to establish a secure tunnel to ensure secure transmission of data. VPN over the existing public network infrastructure to achieve, without expensive leased-line connection fees and long distance telephone charges, and use the same private network security, management and service quality strategies, the VPN within the unit can be seen as network expansion. Because of cost, easy to manage, easy to expand, safety, and other features to support a variety of emerging applications, VPN technology and product development and evolution of today's network of new components. Implementation of VPN tunneling technology is mainly theory, the use of the data package in the new tunnel encapsulates the original packet. Outside the tunnel endpoint address in the new header in the provided this header is called encapsulation header to assure that the data packets can be encapsulated through the tunnel, and the last destination address loaded in the original header. When a packet arrives when the end of the tunnel, the first stripped the package, the original header is used to route packets to their final destination. The current commonly used are Point to Point Tunneling Protocol Tunneling Protocol PPTP, Layer Two Tunneling Protocol L2TP, IPsec tunneling protocol network layer three [2]. VPN remote access VPN is currently in one of the main type of connection. Remote Access VPN for remote mobile users and home users of the park through the Internet (units) of the internal network for remote access. Another commonly used VPN connection type is VPN VPN devices and equipment, this approach is mainly used for co-operation units or affiliates and units through the Internet interconnection.3 Contivity Series Nortel Contivity is a highly integrated company VPN, stateful firewall, encryption, authentication, policy services, QoS and bandwidth management business VPN device. It is based on the standard tunneling technology, capable of IPsec, L2TP, PPTP, and L2F tunneling protocols to support the standard; in encryption support DES, 3DES and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), to provide maximum end to end transmission of data security; addition Certification is also available on a wide range of authentication options to support RADIUS, LDAP, and token cards and smart cards.         Contivity's VPN client software is not only for MS Windows systems (including Windows95, 98,2000, NT, Millennium, and XP), UNIX and Macintosh can be used in the operating system. In addition, IPsec client through third-party wireless and handheld devices to support secure access. Therefore, regardless of the park outside the user's operating system is, are available through a dedicated client-based IPsec connection to the park. Client connects to the VPN server in two steps. Outside the park users to access internal network resources Yuanqu, no longer need to dial-up to the park as before the phone dial service, you just need to connect to the Internet, then establish a virtual private VPN client to connect to the Contivity will be able to directly access Park internal network resources, more detailed information you need Other Nortel Certification, to participate in 920-362 exam, Testinside will help you.4 compared to Windows 2000 or Linux operating system under the VPN software and other general forms of remote access VPN [3], built on Nortel Contivity VPN is not only powerful, flexible, with good performance and security, and be extended to support administrators, is more suitable for application in a large campus network, which is where this paper, the characteristics of the program. After the establishment of remote access VPN access not only for the related reduction of telephone lines, modems and access servers and other equipment, saving the network cost, and support multiple access modes users outside the park, no matter what access the user by way of As long as you have Internet access, you can establish VPN connection to access the Internet anywhere within the park resources. In addition, remote access via VPN authentication, data encryption, data integrity verification, stateful firewall and other means to ensure the safety of access than the traditional dial-up remote access mode has a higher security.Nortel certification to continue to understand it? Want to be Nortel's employees? Testinside help you achieve this aspiration, Testinside 920-362 exam for your information and the latest exam exam.