Falesie della mente

LEXINGTON Massachussetts - Happy Easter to everyone!

Until today, I have received a lot of visits on my blog, coming from people of LEXINGTON (Massachussetts) U.S.A., which are being shown afficionated readers of my postings.  The thing that catches me, first of all regards my postings language as I have never written in English except one time in the past and, of course, except this time. Secondly I am positively amazed because so many kilometers physically separate us, between my beautiful Italy and the boundless marvellous United States.  Therefore, I wish to take this opportunity of the holy Easter coming, to officially say hello to everyone of you through my present posting : the Light of the Risen One brings you peace and joy!  I invite all the friends of LEXINGTON, who may find to read this my posting,  to leave your message here below, so that we could make visible this sort of established twinship.  I wish all of you readers, obviously included all of my loved Italian friends, a happy Easter!