
Dali citta

Data: 2aprile 2007Dali e una citta vecchia.Qui,vivono di persone a minoranza.Loro sono molto amichevoli.Sento non pressione nel questo.Di giornata facciao un giro nel citta e prendo il sole.La sera conto a stella.Poi,vado a bar e prendo un po'di vino per breve riposo.Da due giorni sono a Dali citta.Poi,parto per Lijiang citta.
Dali is surrounded by a collage of ethnic minorities. The Bai are among the most numerous. There are also ethnic Naxi and Miao. The minorities give the city a colorful flavor and allow visitors a taste of the tribal cultures that inhabit inland Asia from Tibet all the way to Vietnam and Thailand. Dali has a rich history. As early as the second century B.C. the city had achieved county status in China and served as a commercial link between China and the kingdoms of Southeast Asia. It was most prosperous during the European Middle Ages - from the 7th to the 13th centuries. (these words from internet)