In Tokyo from 2015

Japan earthquake: 'Strong' 6.3 magnitude tremor strikes as people report 'shaking' - - INGLESE

Honshu, 27 July 2019 - The epicentre of the quake was south of Honshu, experts said.A large earthquake - reported to have a magnitude of 6.3 - has struck in Japan, according to reports.The epicentre is south of Honshu, Japan's main island, experts from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. It is not yet known if there were any injuries. It happened at around 3.30am local time. People as far away as Tokyo reported feeling tremors. One witness in the Japanese capital posted on the EMSC-CSEM website: "Bigger than usual. Tokyo has small ones from time to time but this one lasted longer and was bigger." - By Dave BurkeArticolo completo qui: