Post N° 33

Post n°33 pubblicato il 15 Maggio 2006 da
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La terra emana una vibrazione
là nel tuo cuore, e quello sei tu.
E se la gente scopre che sai suonare,
ebbene, suonare ti tocca per tutta la vita.
Che cosa vedi, un raccolto di trifoglio?
O un prato da attraversare per arrivare al fiume?
Il vento è nel granturco; tu ti freghi le mani
per i buoi ora pronti per il mercato;
oppure senti il fruscio delle gonne.
Come le ragazze quando ballano nel Boschetto.
Per Cooney Potter una colonna di polvere
o un vortice di foglie significavano disastrosa siccità;
Per me somigliavano a Sammy Testarossa
che danzava al motivo di Toor-a-Loor.
Come potevo coltivare i miei quaranta acri
per non parlare di acquistarne altri,
con una ridda di corni, fagotti e ottavini
agitata nella mia testa da corvi e pettirossi
e il cigolìo di un mulino a vento - solo questo?
E io non iniziai mai ad arare in vita mia
senza che qualcuno si fermasse per strada
e mi portasse via per un ballo o un picnic.
Finii con quaranta acri;
finii con una viola rotta -
e una risata spezzata, e mille ricordi,
e nemmeno un rimpianto.

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Post N° 32

Post n°32 pubblicato il 10 Aprile 2006 da
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Silvio says ...

By Simon Jeffery / Europe 06:06pm

By now, no one should be surprised by the conduct of Silvio Berlusconi as Italy enters the final week of election campaigning. He's compared himself to Jesus and Napoleon, sworn off sex until the votes are in and described the Chinese as baby boilers.

But when he announces, as he did today, that anyone who plans voting for the centre-left opposition is a "coglioni" - a slang word meaning testicle, prick or idiot - his desicion to run his re-election effort like an episode of South Park makes it hard to turn away.

As a previous post suggested, this may be his goal - the more apparent insanity that comes from his lips, the less the Italian media gives airtime or column inches to his opponents.

The opposition leader, the former Italian PM and European commission head Romano Prodi, has decried his outbursts as the "typical strategy of someone who has nothing to lose", while other critics have questioned his mental health. Mr Berlusconi - who presumably rooted against George Clooney in Goodnight and Good Luck - replies that communists have always tried to label their enemies as crazy and lock them away in the madhouse. Some of his supporters also admire his earthy manner.

Still, the "Is Berlusconi mad?" question makes for great television. A Channel 4 News video report from the end of last week gathers together some of the highlights. There is the baby boiler moment ("I never said communists eat people, but it is a fact the Chinese used to boil babies and use them as fertiliser," he says at one meeting), and the moment he tells the head of Italy's employers' association, sitting in the audience and shaking his head at one of his speeches, that if he wants to speak to the head of the government he should address him as "signor". Diego Della Valle, the affronted party, resigned soon afterwards.

Though it is easy to overlook, there is a policy side to this election. On Comment is free, the Italy correspondent John Hooper examines Mr Berlusconi's shock announcement, at the end of a televised debate last week, that he planned to scrap council tax. Hooper terms it "populist nonsense", but says it demonstrated the Italian prime minister's often underestimated political talent. A piece in Newsweek points out that the vote could have a big impact on Italy's future.

While the economy has stagnated under Mr Berlusconi, his administration has been unusually stable by Italian standards. If Mr Prodi chooses to undertake the economic reforms Mr Berlusconi ducked, he may find Italy returns to the "fractured, internecine politics of yore" if the people do not follow.

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Post N° 31

Post n°31 pubblicato il 10 Aprile 2006 da
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Silvio tells Mamma: pick meBy Richard Owen

THERE was a high turnout on a sunny Palm Sunday, the first of two days of voting, with most commentators predicting a narrow win for Romano Prodi.

“I slept very well, the sun is shining and I hope everything finishes in the best possible way,” said Signor Prodi — known as “the Professor” — as he voted in Bologna, his home town.

Silvio Berlusconi was rebuked by centre-left observers at the polling station for instructing his mother, who had accompanied him to the polling station, to put her cross on the symbol of Forza Italia, his party. “Prime Minister, you cannot do that,” one said. “What, not even with my own mother?” he replied.

Yesterday the Left accused a “desperate” Signor Berlusconi of violating the pre-vote moratorium on campaigning by instructing his Forza Italia party to send “thousands” of electioneering text messages to voters on both days of the weekend. The official election monitoring body said that it was investigating the charge, as well as Signor Berlusconi’s unscheduled and unopposed appearance on Friday night on one of his own television channels in violation of “equal air time” rules. It was also looking into adverts in a newspaper praising Signor Berlusconi’s record as chairman of AC Milan football club.

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Post N° 30

Post n°30 pubblicato il 24 Marzo 2006 da
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Si può imparare qualcosa da un temporale. Quando un acquazzone ci sorprende, cerchiamo di non bagnarci affrettando il passo, ma anche tentando di ripararci sotto i cornicioni ci inzuppiamo ugualmente. Se invece, sin dal principio, accettiamo di bagnarci eviteremo ogni incertezza e non per questo ci bagneremo di più. Tale consapevolezza si applica a tutte le cose.



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Post N° 29

Post n°29 pubblicato il 24 Marzo 2006 da
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L' avidità, la rabbia e la stupidità vanno sempre insieme. Quando nel mondo accade qualcosa di male, se osserviamo con attenzione, vedremo che è in relazione con queste tre cose. Se guardiamo ciò che vi è di buono, ci accorgeremo che non manca di saggezza, umanità e coraggio.

(II, 90)


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