Tourism - Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited".

Kerala Backwater No Other Attractions to Substitutes Its Beauty

Kerala is the most beautiful state in the India. This beautiful state is situated on the shore of the Arabian Sea. Kerala is very famous for its natural beauty, which attracts many visitors from the entire world. Visitors and vacationers come in intense number to meet and explore Kerala backwater, one of the amazing natural…

Goa Trip Will Give You a Heaven Journey Where Joy Is Unlimited

When any one think about beautiful sea and sites then Goa blink in mind. It is beautiful state of India which is situated at the south west region of the country. Goa has blessed with several attractions and beaches which fascinates tourists. It is also considered as the ‘Queen of Beaches’. It is not very…