
Charlotte Wessels

LullabyWe are sinking this ship now By midnight hour How long can you hold your breath? To the sirens who sing to The broken hearts We are humming the same tune Goodbye my lullabyUnder water reflected Flashes of life Floating up from your lungs, your lips When you decided to sail to The other side Well, you decided to sink too? Goodbye my lullabyI will miss youFoppapedretti Bergamo - Savino del Bene Scandicci 3-1Oltre alla solita eccellente Enrica Merlo, si sono distinte Mirima Sylla e Milena Radecka Sadurek. Nota negativa l'infortuno di Jelena Blagoevic; infortunio che speriamo non sia troppo grave e non la tenga lontana dal campo troppo a lungo.