Xagena Medicina

Advances in Stroke Care & Research

Stroke / Ictus Cura & Ricerca www.strokeonline.net  Brain arteriovenous malformations in first-degree relatives of patients with a brain arteriovenous malformation: results do not support screeningIt is uncertain whether familial occurrence of brain arteriovenous malformations ( BAVMs ) represents coincidental aggregation or a shared familial risk factor. Researchers have compared the prevalen ...Medically treated patients with patent foramen ovale do not have a higher risk for recurrent cryptogenic cerebrovascular eventsRecurrent cerebrovascular events are frequent in medically treated patients with patent foramen ovale ( PFO ), but it still remains unclear whether PFO is a causal or an incidental finding. Further un ...Patients after transient ischemic attack linked to increased prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorderA transient ischemic attack ( TIA ) involves temporary neurological symptoms but leaves a patient symptom-free. Patients are faced with an increased risk for future stroke, and the manifestation of th ...Advances in Stroke Care & Research