Xagena Medicina

Parkinson's Disease Newsletter

Patients with Parkinson's disease and motor fluctuations: Agilect as an adjunct to LevodopaManagement of patients with complications of Parkinson's disease remains a challenge for both the clinician and the patient. These complications may be a result of the natural course of the disease ...Mutation in the gene LRRK2 as cause of some Parkinson's disease casesTwo studies strongly suggest that a mutation in a recently discovered gene is the most common genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease identified to date. The findings could lead to the development of ...Parkinson's disease: dietary vitamin-E may have neuroprotective effectA study evaluated the effect of vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene intake on the risk of Parkinson's disease ( PD ). Researchers did a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational stud ...Deep brain stimulation surgery and suboptimal outcomesA study examinated failures from deep brain stimulation ( DBS ) surgery for movement disorders. Since the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) approved deep brain stimulation for the treatment of P ...