Xagena Medicina

Medicina basata sulle Evidenze Newsletter

ALERT Evidence Medicine ! Evidence-based Medicine  PCI: compared with a Heparin-based regimen, a Bivalirudin-based regimen increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stent thrombosis, but decreases the risk of bleeding Bivalirudin is an alternative to Heparin in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ). A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials was performed to define the effects of a Bi ...Acute gout: low-dose may be the preferred treatment option than high-dose ColchicineThis is an update of a Cochrane review first published in 2006. Gout is one of the most common rheumatic diseases worldwide. Despite the use of Colchicine as one of the first-line therapies for the tr ...Patent foramen ovale closure with Amplatzer appears superior to medical therapy in preventing strokes in patients with cryptogenic embolismUp to 40% of ischaemic strokes are cryptogenic. A strong association between cryptogenic stroke and the prevalence of patent foramen ovale ( PFO ) suggests paradoxical embolism via PFO as a potential ... Intensive antihypertensive treatment that lowers systolic blood pressure to below 120 mmHg is not linked to increased risk of falls or non-spine fracturesThere are few rigorous studies to confirm or refute the commonly cited concern that control of blood pressure to lower thresholds may result in an increased risk of falls and fractures. Falls and f ...Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring can improve clinical outcomes in patients with heart failureAn increasing number of patients with heart failure receive implantable cardioverter-defibrillators ( ICDs ) or cardiac resynchronisation defibrillators ( CRT-Ds ) with telemonitoring function. Early ... Per iscriversi alla Newsletter Evidence Medicine in inglese Link: www.xagenaweb.it  Coloro che sono GIA' ISCRITTI ad altre Newsletter Xagena possono accedere al Pannello di Controllo al sito www.xagenaweb.it inserendo l’indirizzo e-mail con il quale ricevono le Newsletter e la Password personale [ RIPORTATA IN FONDO A OGNI NEWSLETTER ]  E' importante confermare la modifica cliccando sul tasto SALVA MODIFICA