Xagena Medicina

Evidence-based Medicine Newsletter

Evidence-based Medicine   EBM, una branca della Medicina che si propone di facilitare le decisioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche, con risvolti anche nella gestione delle risorse economicheCopeptin helps clinicians in refining risk stratification for patients with transient ischemic attackCopeptin has been associated with recurrent cerebrovascular events after transient ischemic attack ( TIA ). In an independent cohort, researchers have evaluated copeptin for the prediction of recurren ...Statin therapy is effective at reducing the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury with coronary angiographyContrast-induced acute kidney injury is an adverse outcome resulting from radiocontrast medium exposure during coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention. A systematic search was c ...Inoperable patients with severe aortic stenosis: transcatheter aortic valve replacement linked to better survival and functional statusThe long-term outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement ( TAVR ) in inoperable patients with severe aortic stenosis remain unknown. In the Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves ( PARTNE ... Per iscriversi alla Newsletter Evidence Medicine in ingleseColoro che sono GIA' ISCRITTI ad altre Newsletter Xagena possono accedere al Pannello di Controllo al sito XagenaWeb.it inserendo l’indirizzo e-mail con il quale ricevono le Newsletter e la Password personale [ RIPORTATA IN FONDO A OGNI NEWSLETTER ]  E' importante confermare la modifica cliccando sul tasto SALVA MODIFICA