Xagena Medicina

EBM Newsletter

Evidence-based Medicine ( EBM ) EBM, una branca della Medicina che si propone di facilitare le decisioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche, con risvolti anche nella gestione delle risorse economiche No evidence supports the routine use of beta-blockers for secondary prevention after stroke or TIAStroke affects 15 million people per year worldwide. Despite recent developments in acute stroke treatment, prevention remains very important. Stroke has a high rate of recurrence; therefore secondary ...Intensive blood pressure reduction in acute intracerebral hemorrhage is safeThe aim of a systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intensive blood pressure ( BP ) reduction in patients with acute-onset intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) usin ...Atrial fibrillation: left atrial appendage occlusion is noninferior to Warfarin for ischemic stroke prevention or systemic embolism more than 7 days postrandomizationIn the PROTECT AF ( Watchman Left Atrial Appendage Closure Technology for Embolic Protection in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation ) trial that evaluated patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation ( ...Per iscriversi alla Newsletter Evidence Medicine in ingleseColoro che sono GIA' ISCRITTI ad altre Newsletter Xagena possono accedere al Pannello di Controllo al sito XagenaWeb.it inserendo l’indirizzo e-mail con il quale ricevono le Newsletter e la Password personale [ RIPORTATA IN FONDO A OGNI NEWSLETTER ]  E' importante confermare la modifica cliccando sul tasto SALVA MODIFICA