Xagena Medicina

Medicina basata sull'Evidenza

Medicina basata sulle Evidenze ( EBM )- Patients with cancer: integrated collaborative care for comorbid major depressionMedical conditions are often complicated by major depression, with consequent additional impairment of quality of life. A study has compared the effectiveness of an integrated treatment programme for …ERSPC at 13 years of follow-up: reduction in prostate cancer mortality attributable to testing of PSAERSPC ( European Randomised study of Screening for Prostate Cancer ) trial has shown significant reductions in prostate cancer mortality after 9 years and 11 years of follow-up, but screening is cont …-Per iscriversi alla Newsletter Evidence Medicine in ingleseColoro che sono GIA’ ISCRITTI ad altre Newsletter Xagena possono accedere al Pannello di Controllo al sito http://www.xagenaweb.it/inserendo l’indirizzo e-mail con il quale ricevono le Newsletter e la Password personale [ RIPORTATA IN FONDO A OGNI NEWSLETTER ]  E’ importante confermare la modifica cliccando sul tasto SALVA MODIFICA