Elvyn Diviky blog

Vowell takes on Hawaii's history but misses mark

the disintegration of the kingdom — is relegated to little more than an addendum.Throughout the pages, Vowell's cheeky comments are scattered about, but not nearly enough to boost "Unfamiliar Fishes" to its full potential. Will you learn something from this book? Absolutely. The trick is wanting to keep turning the pages.Vowell has a sizeable following earned through best-sellers including "Assassination Vacation," appearances on "This American Life" and essays in The New York Times. That afforded her the rare opportunity to illuminate readers to respect the depth of complexity there is to Hawaii and its people, too often glossed over in the stereotypes of a hula-swaying, white-sanded honeymoon spot.If that audience picks up this book because of Vowell's name appeal and is able to soldier through, then some light will be shed on a facet of U.S. history worthy of further examination. But even though much information is there, even with all of the potential drama of the story of this tiny kingdom crumbling beneath the weight of early American imperialism, the author missed the mark.Hawaii, once again, deserved better.,Carl Cox | FG Underground (28 january 2009) download mp3 ,DJ Terry vs Quizz | Can't Stop (Going to Space EP) download mp3