Tokio Hotel


uhuh, da non crederci!TOKIO HOTEL ROCKED THE HOUSE IN ITALY!Posted 9/11/2007 by AdminThis past Friday Tokio Hotel performed at the Festivalbar finale in Verona, Italy. The concert was set in Verona´s grand coliseum making not only the performance, but also the view, quite an amazing show. The crowd sang along and cheered to `Monsoon´ as Tokio Hotel totally rocked the house! If you were not able to make it out to this great night, you can catch the performance here!But that´s not all! The day before Festivalbar, Tokio Hotel also put on a cool show for MTV TRL , had a great time doing and interview at RADIO 105 and did a signing session at the new FNAC store in Rome. To put it all in a nutshell: It was a fun and action packed time in gorgeous Italy, which was driven to perfection when TH received a prize from the Festivalbar Website Team for most page impressions and their album "Scream". On top of that, TH´s album is now #4 in the Italian album charts AND the concert at THE FORUM in Milan on October 30th is almost sold out. Bella Italia...Sisi, bella italia! Ahahaha