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Springboard Enterprises Launches Its 2011 Global Recruitment

Fast-Tracking Women-Led Businesses into the Equity Investment PipelineWASHINGTON, March 28, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- For a decade, venture-catalyst Springboard Enterprises has filled the equity capital deal pipeline with outstanding companies led by women.Last week they launched recruitment for their 2011 venture forum program.The global search is on for the next iRobot, Constant Contact, Zipcar, or 51job to join the 445 drug discovery, therapeutic, consumer internet, and innovative IT companies that are members of the Springboard Portfolio.Deadline to apply: May 2, 2011."We fill a void in the market and our track record of connecting great women-led companies to strategic partners and investors who can catapult their businesses is unparalleled," said Kay Koplovitz, Springboard co-founder and Chairman. "It's all about human capital - and this year we're taking that to a whole new level."Springboardis a crowd-sourced,community-buildingplatformforpromotingwomen-led companies. They have a simple formula for success:recruit innovative women-led businesses; conduct a review by an all-starcastofprominentinvestors,seasonedentrepreneursandindustryexperts;selectthemost promising investment opportunities and match them with a who's-who team of advisors to open doors to new opportunities."The Springboard network is vast," says President Amy Millman."We've worked with 445 game-changing innovators, hundreds of investors, and thousands ofindustry experts. The expertise of our Springboard community covers the waterfront from aerospace, drug discovery, to the cloud and beyond."The Springboard: 2011 Venture Forum is a six-month program that includes in-person and virtual sessions. Springboard is recruiting companies from tech to life sciences that are seeking equity investments. Companies must have a woman in a senior position with an ownership stake, demonstrate a qualifiedandprofitablemarketopportunity,haveatrackrecordofmilestoneachievementandhavea credible management team or the ability to attract one.To apply or learn more about how to get involved go to .Springboard is the premier platform where entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts meet to build great women-led businesses seeking equity capital for expansion. Springboard entrepreneurs are leaders involved in commercializing new innovative technologies, business products and services. The Springboard portfolio has raised $5.5 billion including 7 IPOs and legions of successful M&A transactions.SpringboardEnterprisesissupportedbyPatrons:AON;CATechnologies;Covington&BurlingLLP;Grant Thornton LLP, Venable LLP, and The George Washington University.SOURCESpringboard EnterprisesWe Pledge Allegience - Various Artists .Various Artists | The Sound of Milano Fashion .Gremlinz and Prime | The Prophecy (3 april 2005) .Explicit Theory - Sonar Sessions EP .Brz vs David Spaans | The Show is Over EP