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Toys R' Us 2010 Black Friday Sale to Start on 10PM Thursday

If you are looking to start your Black Friday toy shopping on Thursday, then Toys R' Us may be the place for you. The toy giant is opening their doors at 10PM Thursday with several door buster deals.1. Android tablet tops "door buster" dealsStores like to have an impressive door buster deal to get people…

Haitians attack U.N. troops, blame them for cholera

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Protesters in Haiti who blame United Nations troops for a cholera epidemic that has killed hundreds attacked U.N. peacekeepers with rocks in two cities on Monday, raising questions about security ahead of presidential elections this month, authorities said.In Haiti's second city of Cap-Haitien in the North, hundreds of protesters yelling anti-U.N. slogans…

Secretary of Transportation LaHood: We're looking into technology to disable cell phones in vehicles

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said using a cell phone while driving is so dangerous that devices may soon be installed in cars to forcibly stop drivers — and potentially anyone else in the vehicle — from using them.“There’s a lot of technology out there now that can disable phones and we’re looking at that,” said…

John R. Buran Elected to Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

NEW YORK, Nov. 18, 2010 – NEW YORK, Nov. 18, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York ("FHLBNY") announced today that John R. Buran, president and chief executive officer of Flushing Financial Corporation, was elected by the Board of Directors to serve as a Member Director representing the interests of the…

New Music 2010: C.KhiD Presents Bad Chick Video & "Beyonce Music"

‘New Music 2010’, is it ready for new song writer and artist C.KhiD? New youtube sensation, C.KhiD, says his new music, like "Bad Chick," are for the beautiful, Queen mentality women ofn the world. Mixing new music themes andwith Charlie Chaplin video visions, C.KhiD presents the "Bad Chick" hip hop video.Greenville, SC (Vocus) November 11,…

Rockstar drops L.A. Noire trailer

So, there is this little video game company called Rockstar that has released a handful of indie titles called Grand Theft something, and recently one about a cowboy called Red Dead Redemption that gained a little cult following– possibly stemming from theor so copies of the game that shipped.You may have heard of them.Rockstar^aEURTMs next…

60 face prosecution in W.Sahara after Morocco raid

RABAT (AFP) – A total of 60 people face prosecution, six of them in a military court, following a Moroccan raid on a camp settlement in Western Sahara that left at least 12 dead, prosecutors said Saturday.A statement from the prosecution services in the territory's main town of Laayoune said 67 people accused of crimes…

A Runaway Soul Finds Solace In Poetry

Newly published book of poetry to be featured at this year’s Illinois Library Association Book Exhibit on September 29-30.Louisville, KY (Vocus) September 8, 2010 -- From poet-author Karen Keller Leet comes a poignant poetry anthology that lets readers know that they are not alone in their sentiments.In her newly released book, Runaway Soul Poetry, she…

B.J. Lawson Polling Ahead of Rep. David Price

RALEIGH, N.C., Sept. 7 – Likely voters choose Lawson over Price 46.5 percent to 46.1 percent RALEIGH, N.C., Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- William (B.J.) Lawson, MD, Republican challenger to Rep. David Price in North Carolina's Fourth District, announces a turning point in his campaign as a recent poll shows that 46.5 percent of likely voters…

Judge: Chris Brown doing `great job' on probation

LOS ANGELES – The judge overseeing Chris Brown's probation for beating ex-girlfriend Rihanna sang the praises of the R&B artist on Thursday and urged him to keep chipping away at his community service requirement.Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg did not raise any issues about Brown's progress during the brief hearing."You're doing very well on probation,"…

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