26 settembre a roma

Dagli USA, Dawn Lapka, su Zenit, ha pubblicato questo articolo

http://www.zenit.org/rssenglish-26846 ZE09091204 - 2009-09-12 Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-26846?l=english THANK GOD FOR FATHER DI NOTO! Article: Italian Priest Uncovers 100 Pedophile Networks As a person who is a trained counselor, and assisted with pastoral counseling over the last four years, I can tell you my pastor had me dealing with many adults who were once molested or sexually abused. Many of those now adult women were once little girls. There were a few men, but mostly women. As a woman who was once molested as a child, then made unhealthy young adult and adult decisions for some time, I can tell you that I felt a lot of dismay and sadness that the Church was not doing more to help women like me. It was in the Church where I sought refuge, to feel whole, and it was the priests I turned to, who cared for my wounded heart and soul. Fr. Di Noto's work is a pro-active solution to a crazy situation. Many times we only hear in the media of the priests who are part of those doing the hurting and molestation. This situation shows proof that most priests are more like Fr. Di Noto. It is true, the children he rescues from these issues will still grow up and need help, but there will always be people to help with cleaning up the spilled milk. It is rare to see someone trying to keep the milk from spilling in the first place, by getting the children out of those situations with research and reporting. I prayed for this: Thank you Fr. Di Noto! Dawn Lapka © Innovative Media, Inc. -------------------------------------------- Associazione Meter onlus di don Fortunato Di Noto ... a tutela dell'infanzia ... Via Ruggero Settimo, 56 96012 Avola (SR) - Italy +39 931 564872 (phone) +39 931 823160 (fax) www.associazionemeter.org info@associazionemeter.it - Meter Onlus - Chiediamo scusa se tale iniziativa di comunicazione telematica non è di TUO gradimento. Se questa invadenza ti infastidisce e non desideri più ricevere altre comunicazioni, chiediamo di inviare un messaggio a multimedia@associazionemeter.org scrivendo “RIMUOVI”. Se, invece, si ritiene che tutto ciò possa essere utile, diffondila tra i tuoi amici o ci comunichi i loro indirizzi di posta elettronica per poterli aggiungere alla nostra lista di contatti.