
Arsenal As Gatsby: At War with the Ideal?

Success, as it relates to the individual, is a dangerous thing to define. At the cooling of the earth, there were no natural yardsticks lying about, nfl jerseys authentic no perfectly formed lists on cave walls to prescribe purpose. And so we are all born with the precarious task of deciding exactly what acts and accomplishments will imbue us with worth—which feats once realized will allow us to rest in the peaceful sleep of fulfillment. It is difficult enough to do personally, but collectively—in the guise of competition—the problem becomes even more harrowing. Club football is a never ending chase for success, continuously repeated, where even the most glorious victories at the end of one season are put aside just months later—the points set back to zero, the calendar reset, and the expectations reaffirmed. Arsenal Football Club are in the midst of grappling with this question of success, trapped like Jay Gatsby in a prison of platonic ideal.