
Miller joined the adidas originals js bear heat

Miller joined the adidas originals js bear heat in the summer as a free agent in 2010 identity, is considered a key other than the big three "puzzle". Miller played 3 seasons in the heat, averaging 5.4 points and 3.4 rebounds 1.4 assists data have not been too impressive, but his role is not data to be fully reflected. Miller's tactical perimeter shooter role not just in open space, he has good ball control and passing ability, is Wade (micro-blogging) the best bench, effectively sharing "the Flash" pressure, this is Wade conservation truce when the knee is particularly striking.This season we've seen adidas originals js instinct hi Griffin changes, perhaps all of us have seen enough of his data, but he really became a hard, energetic and can contribute to the big one. Who was the player of the Clippers now? Griffin has forced this issue of suspense.Kevin Durant and Russell-Westbrook, Thunder, Holinger seems particularly negative, he believed that Thunder into the finals only a 9.7% chance, taking over the Championship's probability of only 6.4%, entered the final round of probability in the League ranked eighth, capturing probability in the League ranked sixth of the Championship. Walker entered the finals, although the probability of reaching 22.5%, Holinger considers the probability that they win a Championship to 6.5%, this probability is also not as good as the rockets.