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Facebook Messages Wish List: What Came True?

When Facebook announced a Monday event that was rumored to be the launch of "Facebook E-Mail," weof things the social-networking service should announce. Did we get what we wanted?Yes and no. Instead of introducing a robust Gmail competitor, the company , not a traditional e-mail client. There's an inbox and an e-mail address, but it's more tightly integrated with chat and text rather than a standalone e-mail service."To be clear, Messages is not e-mail," Facebook said in a . "There are no subject lines, no cc, no bcc, and you can send a message by hitting the Enter key. We modeled it more closely to chat and reduced the number of things you need to do to send a message. We wanted to make this more like a conversation."So what did we get?1. Message Folders: Yes, sort of. Facebook is taking atype of approach with its "Other" folder. The inbox will only include messages from friends and their friends; everything else – including messages from friends not on Facebook – will go to the "Other" folder until you move it to the Inbox. There is also a junk folder.2. Personal E-mail Address: Yes. Facebook said it will offer an e-mail address to "every person on Facebook who wants one," but the company stressed that "Messages is not e-mail." Facebook employees, meanwhile, will use e-mail addresses going forward.3. Multiple Client Support: Sorry, no IMAP here.4. Offline Mail Reader: Strictly speaking, there's no offline access, but that depends on how you view text message access.5. Permanently Delete Messages: Yes, says Facebook. "To permanently delete a conversation from your messages, simply open the conversation, then select 'Delete' from the Actions drop-down menu. All of the conversation history will be permanently cleared from your messages," the company said on it FAQ. There is also the option to "archive," which will temporarily hide a message.6. Bulletproof Privacy: No one use the word "bulletproof," but the same settings that apply to Facebook as a whole apply to Messages, so take that for what it's worth. You can change your message settings to only allow Facebook friends to send you a message, which will bounce messages that come from non-Facebook acquaintances.7. Support Microsoft ActiveSync: Nope, try again next time.8. Multiple addresses: Facebook didn't specify exactly how many people you could add to a conversation, but there is the option for multiple people. Open the actions menu and select "add people" to do so. You can't add people to a private conversation between you and one other person, however, Facebook said.9. Multiple Links: Messages allows you to attach photos, videos, or documents. To add one from your computer, click the paperclip icon next to the message you're composing. For a new photo, click the camera icon and you can attach a photo taken with your webcam; for videos, click the same camera icon but also the "Switch to video" icon. There's no apparent limit to the number of pics or attachments, or the size; if you look like you're spamming, though, Facebook will take action. And, of course, you can be unfriended.10. Better anti-spam: As mentioned above, you can restrict your Facebook inbox to only friends, so that would prevent unwanted messages, in theory. If you do receive spam, Facebook added a "Report Spam" option in the Actions menu. To view spam messages, click the "Junk" link at the bottom of the page.Ian Pooley (28 september 2002) mp3 songs download.Touch Up tracks.Richard Youngs mp3 albums.Electronic Love mp3 albums downloads.DJ Format - FabricLive 27 download mp3 albums