Perfect,so easy

slimming speed faster should be stop, Lose weight healthy is reliable

We all hope you can in the shortest possible time to lose weight, but a lot of the fast way to lose weight is very unhealthy and easy to rebound, weight loss is a gradual process, as long as we lay a good foundation to really get in shape. Only the pursuit of transient speed change is unhealthy or after the rebound, to lose weight lose their value. Ultra fast way to lose weight what will be troubled?One, and fat and skinnyBlind dieting, crazy sports, excessive dependence on the weight loss drug -2 day diet, although we will quickly in a short time the thinner, but lose weight soon will remain stagnant, even rebound. And we continue to use the wrong way to lose weight, then the weight easily mandrax, cause the body become bloated and lax.Two, metabolic declineOverspeed weight loss will also affect the normal body metabolism, making weight loss efficiency becomes more and more slow, even more than before. To the late even if we tried dieting or exercise, also do not see any weight loss outcomes. And metabolic decline can lead to edema and other problems, led to the consequences of losing weight is very bad.Three, weakenedWhen our body due to the lack of nutrients, physical fitness will be gradually weakened, but also affects the body's resistance, easy to suffer from diseases. But weakened also will affect the normal movement efficiency, reduced physical and mental state is very bad, a little exercise would feel very tired.Four, abnormal menstruationWomen used the wrong way to lose weight is very easy to lead to an abnormal menstruation, if excessive weight loss pills and even cause the consequences of menopause, the consequences are very serious. Overspeed weight loss resulted in our endocrine disorders, a series of problems come in a throng, want to restore health may also take a long time.Five, the amount of fat reductionWhen we have a situation of malnutrition, the body's blood circulation will gradually slow down, so the skin becomes rough, we take a shower, easily find his hair off very quickly. Originally want to pursue beauty let their own beauty is greatly reduced, it is very wrong.Six, functional disordersUnhealthy weight means such as long-term diet or eating is very exciting food will affect our gastrointestinal function, can lead to independent defecation or constipation. Due to the toxin cannot normal metabolic out, viscera function will be affected to a certain extent, the consequences are very serious.So we must know, we should pursue is the physical fitness, health is the most important. Although a decrease in weight, but lost the spirit, this is very stupid. In the choose your own way to lose weight before, we also can consult a nutritionist and trainer of professional advice, health Kang Kang slim down.