INGREDIENTS:Flour for bread 300g, milk (warm 30-40°C)  190ml, butter(melting) 30-40gYeast 15g (if you use dried yeast 6g), granulated sugar 75g, egg ½, cardamon 1/4 tea spoon, melting butter 20g, granulated sugar 30g, cinnamon as much as you needTO FINISHegg(dissolved) ¼, fine sugar as you need or wish 1. Put A to the big bowl, mix them by the whipper. (if you use dried yeast, put them into the warm milk-60cc-and keep it few minutes, then mix it with others.)2. Put Milk into 1, add flour little by little  and knead. Then add the melting butter and keep kneading.Gather all round, cover with kitchen cloth, keep warm and ferment it. (for 30-40 min.) The size becomes almost  twice.3. Remove the air in it, and spread it 20cm—35cm by rolling pin.4. Spread the melting butter on 3, and put cinnamon on it. Roll the dough tightly.5. Cut the roll and shape each of them. Put them on the oven tray with oven sheet, cover with thecloth, wait 10min.6. Warm the oven for 200°C. 7. After 10min, spread the dissolved egg on the top of the dough, add the fine sugar, then, bake them. Oven----180°C, about 13min.8. Let's eat!!!  :D