
Decreed by fate and shit

Meet him at that moment, I tell myself, I told this man would have a story, it was decreed by fate.". Later I confirmed, this world there is telepathy, maybe just the city of Wenzhou is too small, too easy. I admit that I love the strong, like those with aura of the elite, you can say I'm superficial. He won his card when they found that he had too many titles, in the vanity of the time, for the first time contact person, only through the surface to evaluate each other's merits and value. If I say I'm not a very materialistic girl, you may not believe it, but really, I really is not a material girl, because I have a rich family, living in comparative advantage. Of course, I do not love in the mediocre generation, I said", you can hit me secular.We live in a period of time naturally together, I love him, eventually became the lost girl missish, perhaps for every beautiful things, people instinctively want.I have been taking this encounter as good in my life love, still now. Remembering him for my love and protection, full of beautiful and sweet.Jordan shoes Together this year, I seemed to deduce a big star behind the underground lovers, he always with single image at various public occasions, some with various women in the brother and the sister of the plot. I even understand the business needs of the job, because a man career really need some inevitable correlation, find amusement when the occasion arises. I thought love a person should not have any requirements and restrictions, so always ask.Puma shoes Half a year later, I will become the edge faces abandoned woman. Because of love, I be most willing to go to the maintenance of an imperial harem have pity on my side of the. I love him, continue to weave all kinds of reason to convince myself that he was just as busy and neglect their own. Be indifferent to only because he is the performance of male chauvinism. Then I, abnormal tolerance and understanding. A woman can not grow up without a man 's teachings, the teachings can be happy, can also be painful.Close to the end of the day, in front of me always inadvertently disturbed, even some irritability, I thought it was too much work for quiet and not faze.Puma sneakers The outside of the talk, I never heard a word appreciate his words, are a variety of satire and slander. A person will get jealous too well, this is it's only human. I understand that.He is on a business trip in one night, he asked me to break up, I had a feeling, so that peace and bizarre, a firm commitment, not to ask those who loved and why it matters. I don't want to be an entanglement of the woman, because I love this man, I am not myself in front of him a little flaw.Time is the best water to forget, I hate to his day in day dies, the rest are all forgive, his work madman rest, be full of go 's body, bearing too much load. I can understand, he pursues the dream is alive he 's strength, he can use life to bet my future, if we can have a let him soar arms, he will go hand in hand and grasp. Leave me, because I failed.He didn't cheat me, from first to last you said 'I love you. For him, I just a traveler, but he in my life is a love, a real existence. I really have not so sad. As a mature female, I know a love the person is not easy, even if he doesn't love me, I also want to have this experience. Is not it, than I" couples that point thing" Naj of the more fortunate, she wanted to experience true love a break through marriage, at the cage, she turned round, and fat man remarry. Do you think she came to understand the fat man is her true love? It is a joke, one is it right? Love another man also need so return another prove? Naj remarried, her surrender to the real life, the world, and not everyone will receive God 's love to throw bricks.