

fonte:InternetExplain what is meant by the term "Modernism" mentioning some of the most important Modernist writers who wrote In English (100/110) "Modernism" is a term associated with the great changes, which affected all the arts in Europe and America. The main characteristic is the radical break with the literary tradition of the 19th century. Another characteristic is to try new ways of expression. There is an urgency to represent the variety of modern urban life, for example with the recourse to primitive myths. One of the extreme movements of Modernism was Italian Futurism, which had its most important representative in Marinetti, whose Manifesto appeared in Le Figaro. Futurism exalted the machine age and demanded revolution and innovation in all the arts. The most important examples were Pound and Hulme. The French Symbolists had a great influence on the Imagists. What influence did Freud have on 20th century writers? (60) Freud, in his The Interpretation of Dreams, explained that the development of our personality is affected by the unconscious, the hidden part of ourselves. Another important aspect of Freud's theories is libido: unknown irrational forces regulate behaviour and relationships. Freud gave great importance to the interpretation of dreams and to the free association of thoughts. Some writers are fascinated by his theories. The most important examples were Joyce and Wolf. Briefly summarize the poem "A Working Party" by S. Sassoon (80/100) A soldier walks in a trench with very labour because he trip and lurch. He sees only candles and braziers and he hears only rifle shots. The soldier hasn't a name because he represents all the soldiers. Sassoon shows a young man with a wife and two small children and his relationships with the other soldiers. The soldier thinks only at when he getting back and drinks rum to sends him warm to sleep. But he is hit and all went out.