
Post N° 14

bnet e-zineMAIL ART  bulletin # 4 / 02.'05MAIL ART PROJECTS1THE CLOWN ON THE MOTORBIKESize: max. 70cm x 100cm /  write your address on back please / Technique: freeExhibition in Mail Art Mekka Minden / Catalog to every participant / Deadline: 31 03 2005Send to: Netmailart, P.O.Box 2644, D-32383 Minden, Germoney Utd2“ No Place to Rest, Chairs that you can’t sit down on”Format: 2D or 3DSize: postcard sizeDeadline: April 30, 2005You will receive a “chair” in return + documentation.Items will be show at Shopping Trolley Gallery, West.Send to:Pati BristowPOBox 3127Los Altos, CA 94024USA3Mail Art convocationsWomen have a natural disposition for reading. They usually read everywhere (at home, in transports, outside, etc.) standing, sitting, walking, laying, the different places of reading often depend on suitable reading matter.A. Subjet: where women readB. Subjet: a woman who is readingSize: cm 10 x 15Technique: colour or black and white photoMaterial: photograph paperLast date for sending works: 30 may 2005If you want to partecipate youi can send by regular mail your photos (10 maximum), and write your name and surname and your email to:Antonella Prota GiurleoVia Vincenzo Monti 3020094 Corsico (Milano)ItalyAll works will be exposed in a specific area (cultural centre or museum or library).4 bookcase Send photo of yourself standing or sitting in front of your book-case or –shelve to:  BIBLIOTHECA GULLBIANAStaai 416127 AB GrevenbichtThe Netherlandsanswer to every one no deadline pass to next 5 LA VILLEExposition internationale d'Art postalCher Artiste Postal,Nous sommes la classe de 3ème 8 SEGPA  du Collège Henri Bosco de VITROLLES.Nous travaillons actuellement avec l'artiste André ROBER .Nous organisons en mai 2005 une exposition internationale d'Art Postal sur le thème de la VILLE.Nous serions très heureux de votre participation et nous vous en remercions par avance (date limite de retour : 31 mars 2005).Au revoir.Les élèves de la classe de 3ème8 SEGPA du collège Henri Bosco Classe de 3ème 8 SEGPAde Mme GAUDECollège Henri BoscoBP 40041 Domaine des Pins     13742 VITROLLES CedexFranceandre.rober@free.freditions.ka@free.frwebmaster@eitionska.comet les sites si si si http// 6 GRIDSCRATCHGRIDSCRATCH IS A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO SCRATCH / TYPE URBAN / INTERNATIONAL AIL ART / ARTE POSTALE TECTONIC ARCHITECTONIC / ELECTRONIC PLATFORM/HUB GRIDSCRATCH MAGAZINE  IS EDITED MONTHLY; DEADLINE FOR UNSOLICTED CONTRIBUTION IS THE 19TH OF THEMONTH FOR THE NEXT EDITION; MAIL TO: Gridscractch, K. Haaksbergerstr. 43-319, 7511 JV Enschede, Netherlands 7Le chemin de Compostelle, notre chemin, le chemin, ton chemin…Les format et la technique sont libresCatalogue à  tous et exposition sur le chemin de saint Jaques.Envoier à Sébastien Lefebvre6, place du 11 novembre apt 128000 Chartres France8 Les Timbrés de l'Art Postal PÉZENAS – FranceArt Postal-Mail ArtPROJECT 2005 Ange ou démonAngel or devil Limite d’envoi: 01-04-2005Les Timbrés de l'Art Postal - BP 36 - 34120 PÉZENAS - FRANCEtappezenas@free.frème exposition internationale d'Art PostalMédiatèque de Pézenas, Juin 2005  9 INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECTLA PACE HA COLORE?HAS THE PEACE COLOUR? Tecnica e dimensioni/Medium and sizes : libere/freeScadenza/Deadline :  31 Luglio/July  2005SENZA RITORNO - NO RETURNCatalogo ai partecipanti/Catalogue to the participants. Mostra/Exhibition presso  la Galleria D’Arte Contemporanea del Comune di Castel S.Pietro Terme-BO (Italy) dal 27 agosto al 18 settembre 2005.Nel corso della mostra avranno luogo performances e azioni poetiche  del Movimento Zerotre. Inviare i lavori/Send the works to:“MAILARTMEETING ARCHIVES” – c/o Anna BoschiVia G.Tanari n. 1445/B40024 – CASTEL S.PIETRO TERME (BO) – Italye-mail: Grazie fin d’ora a tutti /Thanks in advance to everybody 10My WorldPlease help me introduce mail art to Durham City, England. Send original 2D mail art, maximum size 8 x 11inches/21 x 28 cms, any medium (drawing, painting, collage, faux stamps, poetry, textiles etc), suitable for family viewing, for exhibition in a new Art Centre in 2005. Deadline May 2005. No returns, but documentation to all so please include your name and snail mail address.EileenPO Box 445Durham DH1 9XAENGLANDI propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure    Please, send my MAIL ART call ! Thank'you !Besides You can  circulate this bulletin to all your e-friendsMAIL ART ON WEB ART EVENTS Il Comune di Rignano sull’ Arno e l’Associazione “Oltre i limiti”Ti invitano a partecipare a CREATIVA 2005 >28.29 Maggio 2005< 6° incontro per l’autoproduzione artistica e culturale Dalle ore 16 di sabato 28 alle ore 19 di domenica 29 Che si terrà all’interno del plesso scolastico di Rignano in via Pieve, 66 dove avremo a disposizione una sala ed il grande piazzale con il palco per le letture, le performance, la musica; tavoli e pannelli per esporre i materiali autoprodotti.Per contatti:Comune di Rignano sull’Arno tel. 055 834781 fax 055 8348787Associazione “Oltre i limiti” via XX Settembre 18, 50067 Rignano Sull’Arno (Firenze)e-mail Mail Art project Creativa 2005 28.28 Maggio ‘Beyond the limits’ Tema: ‘Oltre i limiti’Theme: ‘Beyond the limits’Formato: max A4Size: max A4Termine invio: 20.05.’05Deadline: 20.05.’05Catalogo: ogni partecipante ne riceverà una copiaCatalogne: to allNessuna giuriaNo jurySpedisci a:Send to:Comune di Rignano Sull’Arno, Piazza della Repubblica 1 o/orFranco Piri Focardi, via XX Settembre 1850067 Rignano Sull’Arno (FI) – Italia  BNETSIGNALINGS  Bastian ContrarioArchivio Nazionale Fanzine Italiane339 3085390 (G. Umiliacchi)www.fanzineitaliane.itinfo@fanzineitaliane.it Postale 25 - 48020 Savio RABNETFRIENDSNew address: Claudio Jaccarino - Laboratorio di Cromografia  c/o Comuna Baires, v. Parenzo 7, 20143 Milano, ItalyLETTERBOX 2004Rocchetta Sandri (MO), Italy - Italy, photo Bruno Capattibnet e-zineBruno Capatti, via Italo Luminasi 22, 40059 Medicina (BO), Italy / Europebnet@libero.it