
Post N° 18

bnet e-zineMail Art bulletin # 5 / 03.’05MAIL ART PROJECTS1bookcase Send photo of yourself standing or sitting in front of your book-case or –shelve to: BIBLIOTHECA GULLBIANAStaai 416127 AB GrevenbichtThe Netherlandsanswer to every one no deadline pass to next2International Mail Art ProjectALICE IN TRASHLANDMedia and Size: free /  No deadlineSend to: Claudio Gavina, Via Boiardo 27, 20127 Milano, Italy3INVITATIONWe hope you join us to the 6th International Bienal of Postal Art of Universitas SchoolDate: from 10/31 to 11/30/2005Theme: FreeThe works must be sent until 09/30/05Place of delivery: VI Bienal Internacional de Arte Postal do Colégio Universitas, Rua Venâncio José Lisboa 6, Ponta da Praia, Santos, 1030-080 São Paulo, Brasil4Mandala Mail Art CallTheme: MandalasDeadline: June 30, 2005-02-14 Send your round, no larger than 4,5 inch diameter work (the size of a cd) to:Carla Cryptic, P.O. Box 1274, Berkeley, CA 94701, USA5"22" The Assembling Magazine of SusanniaPlease send 22+2 signed, numbered pagesTheme: freeSize: A/5 (148 x 210) No black/white copiesPlease leave 1cm on the longest sideOngoing projectBound collection to every artists!Planet Susannia / Susanna Lakner Gräfin-von-Linden-Weg 24 70569 Stuttgart, Germany6The ButterflySend a butterfly to VivianTema / Thème / Subject:Borboleta / Butterfly / Mariposa / Papillon / FarfallaSize, technique: FreeDeadline: June / 30 / 2005No jury / Documentation to allSend to:Vivian BorboletaVia SechiRua 3, N.º 416 – Cidade JardimRio Claro SP 13500-313Brazil7Mail Art Postcard ExhibitionThis is an exhibit of mail art postcards.All techniques and works in any medium are welcome,from cards made entirely by hand to completely digital creations. Artists may send their pieces by traditional postal mail or by emailMick BoyleP.O. Box 364Conneaut Lake, PA 16316 USAEmail: moontea@yahoo.com Culturale « Ol Porteghet » - Alzano LombadoConsulta Fraz. Di OleraAmnesty International Bergamo-Italia18° Progetto do Arte Postale e Comunicazione Postale sul temaMAI PIU’ VIOLENZA SULLE DONNENEVER AGAIN VIOLENCE ON THE WOMENJAMEZ PLUS VIOLENCE SUR LES FEMMESchiusura del progetto / deadline 21.05.’05spedire a / send to:Circolo Culturale « Ol Porteghet » c/o Carlo Capeti, via Provinciale 187, 24022 Alzano Lombardo (BG), Italy9HAPPY 64TH BIRTHDAY BOB DYLANFRAQUENTLY UPDATED DOCUMENTATION FOR THE “HAPPY 64TH BIRTHDAY BOB DYLAN” MAILART CALL.SEND YOUR BOB DYLAN MAIL ART TO:ED GIECEK4222-176TH PL NEARLINGTON WA 98223 USA DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS BOB’S 64TH BIRTHDAY MAY 24, 2005.http://www.giecek.com BARACCHI’s mail art projects:The Beatles forever size free, no deadlinePostcard 10x15cm, no deadlineThe Tree of Poetry size free, no deadlinesend to:TIZIANA BARACCHIVIA CAVALLOTTI 83 BI  30171 VENEZIA MESTREITALIAI propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure.     Please, send my MAIL ART calls !  Thank'you !Besides, You can  circulate this bulletin to all your e-friends.BNETFRIENDSNew adress > Gallet Silviè, Ecluse, 71350 Bragny Sur Saone, FranceNew contact > Carlo Caro Bugli, via G. Capaldo 7, 80128 Napoli, ItalyNew contact > Dorotea Fleiss, Gänsheiderstr. 19. 70184 Stuttgart, Germany / MAIL ART ON WEBMartha Aitchison / Shopping Trolley Gallery, UK > Cryptic, USA > obscura e V. > ARTVortice Argentina > of  FUN - Second Universal Nexus of FUNtastic United NationsSabato 10 e Domenica 11 Settembre 2005 a Casier (Treviso) presso PARCO Fundation si svolgerà il secondo appuntamento con le Nazioni Unite Funtastiche. Questa volta le mostre saranno curate da Roberto Vidali e verranno inaugurate il Sabato precedente. Per quanto riguarda le azioni e gli altri interventi artistici di SUN of FUN, le prime adesioni pervenute sono quelle di John Held Jr. (USA), Geert De Decker (Belgio), Günther Ruch (Svizzera) e vari artisti italiani. Chi è interessato a inviare proposte di partecipazione, è pregato di contattarci entro il 30 Aprile: ; vittorebaroni@libero.itSUN of  FUN - Second Universal Nexus of FUNtastic United NationsOn Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th 2005 in Casier (Treviso, Italy) at the PARCO Fundation will take place the second meeting with the Funtastic United Nations. This time the exhibitions will be curated by Roberto Vidali with an opening on the previous Saturday. Regarding the actions and other art interventions of SUN of FUN, the first adhesions have arrived from John Held Jr. (USA), Geert De Decker (Belgium), Günther Ruch (Switzerland) and various Italian artists.Those interested in submitting proposals for their participation, please contact us before April 30: ; 1989-2005ALBERO DELLA POESIA / THE TREE OF POETRYMEMORIAL DAYIdeato da / Idea by GIANCARLO DA LIO  & TIZIANA BARACCHI25 Aprile 2005dalle ore / from 10.00 a.m. alle ore / to  20.00 p.m.ore 11.00 introduzione critica di Giancarlo Da Lio introducesore 11.30 lettura poesie/ poetry readingsore 15.30 performancesITINERARI 80 CenterVia Cavallotti 83 B30171 VENEZIA MESTRE – ITALYtel. 041 938033  /  mobile  347 0403128daliobaracchi@hotmail.combnet e-zine SIGNALINGS magazine, K. Haaksbergerstr. 43-319, 7511 JV Enschede, NetherlandsArt terre / Diane Bertrand, 9109 Deschambault, Saint-Léonard, Quebec, H1R 2C6, CanadaLETTERBOX 2005letterbox ’05 – Dogato (Ferrara), Italy / photo Bruno Capattibnet e-zine / Mail Art bulletin Bruno Capatti, via Italo Luminasi 22, 40059 Medicina (BO), Italy / EuropeMail Art Archives, 44020 Dogato (FE), Italy / Europebnet@libero.it of  I.U.O.M.A ./ The International Union Of Mail ArtistsSupport of AU MA+ GOM@ Urgent Action of Mail Art / Global Organization of Mail ArtistMember of  ZEROTRE Movimento Arte Effimera / NETGROUP / Gruppo PULSPLUS / MMA - MultiMediArte