
Post N° 22

bnet e-zinemail art bulletin # 6 / 04.’05MAIL ART projects1Mailart projectMailboxesSend a pictures, collage or any art related to mailboxes or post office boxesSize: postcard 15cm x 10cm max (to fit in the frames)Deadline: 1 Feb 2006Exhibition: April 2006 at the Quebec City stamps and postcards showDocumentation to every participantsR. F. Côté, 12465 Ave de Troyes, Quebec, QC, G2A 3C9, Canada2CALL FOR MAIL ART:“I’m coming to see you” On 14 May 2005, the City of Dijon will hold its “Celebrating Europe” event, with participants from the fields of research, science, politics, academics, economics and culture. “Dijon, the European City, Celebrates the Union”, bringing out the points that Member States share and highlighting the work they do together, rather than their differences.  One part of the celebration will be a mail art project on the theme of mobility, in which I am inviting you to take part today and spread the word around you.*One of the cultures common to all of Europe is sending mail; when the mailman brings news, whether good or bad, he turns into a bearer of hope and culture for a humanistic and social Europe.  Free movement should not stop at merchandise – every individual should be able to say to his European neighbour, “I’m coming to see you”, pledging thereby to the fundamental and universal values that we should be putting forth each day. *François-André ALLAERT / Deputy Delegate for International Relations and EuropeCurator: Reine SHAD / Technical Coordination: SABOTAGESend your vision and ideas on the topic, “I’m coming to see you”,by 1 May 2005.  Technique and format are open. Association Sabotage22, rue de la Perdrix21 000 DIJONsabotage_box@hotmail.comAll works received will be exhibited in Dijon, from 14 to 31 May 2005, with no prior panel selection.  A document with the complete list of mailartists will be published and sent to each participant.A virtual gallery will be created on the City’s Web site.The works will not be returned.3Call Mail ArtOrganized by: Clemente Padín and César RegleroHomage Guillermo Deisler: NO borders. YES interculturalOn October 21st. it will be 10 years since the death of one of the most important and influential artists and poets of the 60's in Latin America, the Chilean Guillermo Deisler (1940 - 1995).Poet, performer, mailartist, graphics, engravings, etc., also he too will be remembered for his work as a printer. Not only because of the excellence of his "handmade" editions, especially those created in Chile (Ediciones Mimbre), but also for UNI/vers, a magazine made through artistic cooperation and interaction which delivered 35 issues and brought together hundreds of international artists of varied techniques and aesthetic roots.Guillermo Deisler's singular situation came as a result of cultural interweaving: that of his German and Chilean ancestors, the mixture of indigenous and conquering cultures; the Araucanian and Mapuche indians, the Creoles... following this, his discovery of the ancient Greek/Latin culture during his exile in Bulgary and, finally, of the German culture. All these expressions reunite and expand in Deisler to make him a universal being, the "networker" prototype in which all cultures coexist in a sort of individual multiculturality, notwithstanding the seeming contradiction.So, we invited you to participate in this exhibition-homage: NO borders. YES interculturalNone other could be the meaning of his verse: "I sometimes get tired of being a foreigner", or his favourite symbol, the feather, an emblem of the freedom which "crosses all frontiers", or the very name of his utopia -UNI/vers- aimed at the unification of humanity.Deadline: October 21th, 2005Technique and size: freeWill be sent documentation to all the participants.All the received works will be gone exposing on line in the Gallery BOEK 861 "HOMAGE TO GUILLERMO DEISLER"Curators: César Reglero and Clemente PadínSending to:BOEK 861c/o Cesar RegleroApartado 861TarragonaSPAINFor netartworks send by email to Cesar Reglero: (Max. 99 KB and JPG)http://boek861.com4MAIL ART SOUND - THE SOUNDTRACK FOR YOUR ARTit consists in create a soundtrack with noises,music,talks,for  your art recorded in a cassette tape with free durationtime and send together with your art.Deadline - August - 2005Contacts : C/o José NogueiraCx. Postal - 14.411Cep : 02199-970São Paulo / SPBrasil5Stefano Momentè, in collaboration with the Jesolo Artistic Club has announced an INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT on the subject of:Marco Polo: the journeyAnyone of any age can participate inspired by the subject who wish to send their work on paper, canvas, wood or other material using any technique (paints, pencils, collages, fabrics, photocopies, photos, etc…) provided that they are of a maximum size of 21 x 29.7 cms (A4) and sent only by post or by e-mail if it is a digital product.CLOSING DATE FOR DELIVERY 30TH JUNE 2005Work will not be returned.Documentation will be given to all participants, exhibition and prospective touring exhibitions.Please send to:Stefano Momentè – via Levantina 169 –30017 Lido di Jesolo (Venice) –ItalyParticipation by e-mail at the address info@circoloartistico.it6Call Mail ArtOrganized by: Clemente Padín and César RegleroHomage Guillermo Deisler: NO borders. YES interculturalDeadline: October 21th, 2005Technique and size: freeNo Sale. No Jury.Will be sent documentation to all the participants.All the received works will be gone exposing on line in the Gallery BOEK 861 "HOMAGE TO GUILLERMO DEISLER"Sending to:BOEK 861c/o Cesar RegleroApartado 861TarragonaSPAINFor netartworks send by email to Cesar Reglero: (Max. 99 KB and JPG)Please, spread between your friends.7Adriano Pasquali / PISCINA COMUNALE Via Campiglio 13, 20133 Milano, Italiapasqualiadriano@tiscali.itPer questo progetto di Mail-Art il titolo è: IL TEMPOSpero di ricevere  tanti lavori in formato A4, per posta o e-mail entro il 31 OTTOBRE 2005.Sarà organizzata una mostra nel mio spazio espositivo “PISCINA COMUNALE”ed a tutti sarà spadito un catalogo stampato in b.n.Grazie AdrianoPrecedenti Progetti Mail-Art:2003 LA COPIA2004 COSA LASCEREMO? (con P.Barile)2005 LA LUCE8Hello! Please send artistic - Self created, unique, original postcards- Self decorated envelopes, … etc. …periodical documentation!I’m also collecting, among others, cARTed cards!Many thanks in advance!Frisch François, BP 61, L-7201 Walferdange, Luxembourg and ENVELOPE EXIBITWith the collaboration of the review L’INFORMAZIONE DEL COLLEZIONISTAFree your fantasy, you send your envelope with the topic and the format that you prefer to my address:Claudio Romeo, V.le Kennedy 144, 20050 Villa Raverio (MI), Italy / big.orko@email.itDeadline: 15 October 2006Special Number of the review (December 2006) with the documentation.10Breast Cancer Awareness: Celebration of Courage ... mailart project Media: open / Size: open / Deadline:July 15th, 2005Theme: Breast Cancer Awareness: Celebration of CourageArtworks will not be returned. Two pieces will be chosen for Announcement and reproduced. Chosen artists will receive 50 copies of announcement. Documentation to all.Pieces to be posted online:   ( Celebration and Prevention as our guiding words, we invite you to submit mail art on the theme of Breast Cancer Awareness: Celebration of Courage. With the goals of both education and inspiration, are looking for Both mail art that encourages self-exams and healthful lifestyles and honours people who have faced the challenge of this disease.Mail your art to:Breast Cancer AwarenessFoothill College12345 El Monte Rd.Los Altos Hills, CA 94022USAEmail: jordahlkate@foothill.eduI propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure.Please, send bnet e-zine to  all your e-friends.!  Thank'you !bnet e-zineSIGNALINGSfanzine italiane > terre / Diane Bertrand, 9109 Deschambault, Saint-Léonard, Quebec, H1R 2C6, CanadaGridscractch magazine, K. Haaksbergerstr. 43-319, 7511 JV Enschede, Netherlands BNETFRIENDSBEST REGARDS TO ALL MAILART FRIENDS FROM BRUNO POLLACCI >  Flavia Fernandes > adress > Sébastian Lefebvre, 4 avenue de la Paix bat A apt 19, 28300 Leves, FranceNew adress > Gallet Sylvie, Ecluse, 71350 Bragny Sur Saone, FranceNew contact > Ad Breedveld, Gen. v. d. Boschweg 7A, NL 9341 AC,  Veenhuizen, The NetherlandsNew contact > Ria Kerkvliet, Zuidhof 4, 2381 LS Zoeterwoude, The NetherlandsNew contact > SHISYU, Kitabukuro 19, Nara 630-8262, Japan MAIL ART ON WEBAIR FREEDOM FLIGHT  VOLO LIBERO D'ARIA / MAIL ART PROJECT > DREAM ROOM CREATION / MAIL ART project ‘85/’95/’05 For info: Thomas Westermann, Eschenstr. 1A, D-39218 Schönebeck, Germany / >http://www.traumgebilde.netThe Work and The Author / Project by Claudio  Romeo > Cohen > Taller de Zenón has the pleasure of communicating you our new direction in Internet.In it you will be able to find the habitual contents, free  of advertising.We wait for your visit.Thank you  :- )  Saludos de ZenónArte Postal en El Taller de Zenón >  http://www.eltallerdezenon.comExposición de pinturas de Miguel Jimenez en > 2005 IN GIRO PER MILANO CERCANDO UN ALTRO MAURIZIOAd un anno di distanza dall'installazione di Maurizio Cattelan,il prossimo 5 maggio dalla grande quercia di piazza XXIV maggio a Milano parte il primo Cattelantour. Per una settimana si terranno visite guidate nei luoghi più significativi dell'avventura umana e professionale dell'artista padovano.A seconda delle richieste, da effettuarsi entro e non oltre il 22 aprile, saranno utilizzati biciclette o, se del caso, moto, auto e bus. Per i soci è prevista una speciale passeggiata da piazza XXIV maggio fin sotto casa di Maurizio Cattelan. NB Ogni partecipante riceverà in omaggio un simpatico gadget Memorabilia Cattelan.  LOOKING IN MILAN FOR ANOTHER MAURIZIOAt a year of distance from the Maurizio Cattelan installation, the next one May 5 from the big Piazza XXIV oak May in Milan leaves the first Cattelantour. For a week visits will be kept driven in the most significant places of the Paduan artist of the human and professional adventure. At second of the requests, to take place by and not beyond on April 22, bikes will be used or, if of the case, motion, car and bus. A special walk is foreseen for the partners from Piazza XXIV May as far as below Maurizio Cattelan home.NB Every participating will receive in free gift a nice Memorabilia Cattelan gadget. INFO: Cattelan Funs Club - Via Alessi 8 20123 Milano, Italia - goliapiero@katamail.comTHE RAY CLUB 2005letterbox ’05 – Rignano Sull’Arno (Firenze), Italy / photo Franco Focardibnet e-zine / mail art bulletinBruno Capatti, via Italo Luminasi 22, 40059 Medicina (Bologna), Italy / EuropeMail Art Archives, 44020 Dogato (Ferrara), Italy / Europebnet@libero.it of  I.U.O.M.A - The International Union Of Mail ArtistsZEROTRE Movimento Arte Effimera / NETGROUP / Gruppo PULSPLUS / MMA – MultiMediArte Support of AU MA+ GOM@ Urgent Action of Mail Art / Global Organization of Mail A