
bnet e-zine

mail art bulletin       # 10/ 09-10.’05LETTERBOX ‘05 - Ferrara, Italy / bnet’s photoMAIL ART projects01Progetto Internazionale di Mail ArtTUTTI I COLORI DEL MONDOScuole elementari di Via Scrostati e di Via Vespri Siciliani, MilanoLaboratorio di Cronografia/ LabCrom di SolTEMI:dalla mia finestrala mia famigliala mia cittàl’acquaMedium and size FREEDedline 30.01.’06No returnCur. Claudio Jaccarino Send to:TUTTI I COLORI DEL MONDOScuole Elementari di Via Scrostati 320146 Milano, Italiainfo. Tel 338457614702Lemon Art The new international exhibition event of MAIL ART for 2006 . An important event that he/she invites all the artists to participate on the theme "Lemon Art " The theme is " Lemon Art." We invite you to send us: TECHNIQUE. Free like Collage, assemblage, frottage, décollage, painting, sketch, postcard, photo etc.. I beg you to notice: They will refuse works of strong erotic content. DIMENSIONS. Free dimension, all technique and size dimension (like three-dimensional )Deadline : 15 April 2006 Documentation to all The participations and best poster . Send to: ROBERTO SCALA VIA MOLINI 11 80061 Massa Lubrense (NA) Italy For info call Roberto Scala : 0039 347571476403FISH POISSON PESCE no deadlineLouise Héroux, 33 rue des Açores Gatineau Canada J8X 3G504C’E’ PACE E SE C’E’ PACE CHE PACE E’?Esprimi il tuo parere con immagini, foto, poesie, filmati, ecc, ed inviali entro e non oltre il 30 ottobre 2005 a:Denti Giuseppe, via F.lli Cervi 23 Paullo 20067 (MI), Italy05400 years with ‘DON QUIJOTE’ - Call for mail Art  School of Art in La Rioja Spain / Coordinator Ricardo González GilEl Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la ManchaHistory, erotism, landscape, errant knights, romances, dreams, sueños, transformation, adaption, visual poems, biography books, postcards, stamps…Any format or free medium digitise pictures by emails or CDs. No censorship. Postal address or emailDeadline 30th November 2005Send to: Ricardo González Gil. Director / Escuela de Arte, Avenida de la Paz 9, 26004 Loroño, La Rioja, Spain  mail-artdonquijote@hotmail.com06Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA/VIH – AIDS/HIVJeudi 1er décembre 2005 Appel en vue d’une exposition Mail-Art, à Chartres, sur ce themèLiberté totale (suppot, format, etc..)PINKY23, impasse Rotrou28000 CHARTRES / France07Contemporanis a la Barceloneta + Nosubiect7Theme: FAME/FAKE – FAMA/FALSIFICATIONExpo / No selection-money-return/Doc. X allDedline december 2005Send to: C/ Conrerìa 1-908003 BarcelonaSpain+ Info: txalo@nosubject7.net0851st Venice Biennial is going on! Take part in the planetary poetry projectcurated by Caterina Davinio! Last dead line: November 6th.La 51ma Biennale di Venezia continua! Partecipa fino al 6 novembre al progetto planetario di poesia a cura di Caterina Davinio!Virtual island - Ongoing project of the 51st Venice Biennial - June 9th -November 6th DELLA POESIAGeneral Curator: ACHILLE BONITO OLIVA.Light Installation by MARCO NEREO ROTELLI - San Secondo Island / Isola Virtuale - On Line Event by CATERINA DAVINIO.How to  participate / Come partecipare: http://it.geocities. com/isoladellapoesia/isola_virtuale.htmIf server is too busy, try the  alternative link: / Se la pagina non è disponibile usa il link alternativo: only 1 poem, max 25 verses (please, digit the text in the guest-book without using copy and paste)/ Inserisci solo 1 poesia, max 25 versi  (digita il testo nel guest-book senza usare copia e incolla).Stay with us in Venice! /09"Earth Is But One Country"  Postal Art ProjectUsing-  a 3 x 5 index card (12,7 x 7,6 cm) on the card should be written; the country, nation, tribe, language group the pebbies represent; the date picked up; the place in the country where obtained; your name and address; plus the frase"The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens." - Baha'u'llahin the mother tongue of place, country,nation, tribe  or language group represented-  a zip type plasticbag, clear 6,6 x 6,5 (16,5 x 16,5 cm) to hold everything-  a least 5 pebbles from that place- any additional techniques and mediums acceptableNo  jury, no sales and no returnsSend to:Keith R. Bloodworth,B.F.A., B.Ed.,495 Glenway Ave.,Winnipeg, ManitobaCanada, R2G 1H5 email: ksbloodw@mb.sympatico.ca your Image in our New Image Gallery of Boek 861 I propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure.Please, send my your calls  and send  bnet e-zine to  all your e-friends !  Thank'you !bnet e-zine SIGNALINGS onFanzine italiane >  / ContrarioArchivio Nazionale Fanzine Italianearchivio@fanzineitaliane.itCasella Postale 25 - 48020 Savio RAFanzine Italiane  / Associazione di Promozione Sociale 339 3085390 (G. Umiliacchi) associazione@fanzineitaliane.itMAIL ART ON WEB‘CAVELLINI 1915-2014’ MA pj by Bruno Ciarlone, Italy > & for Millions: the Art and History of Rubber Stamps / collections of L. S. Helmes and Picasso Gaglione> / SCENTS:LOCKS:KISSES a Guy Bleus Maproject >        (bc 348) “ Breast Cancer Awareness: Celebration of Courage ” MAIL ART Exhibition > GENERATION – WEB ART PROJECT / in progress > – the year of the four in artpool – 4D / art ih the ‘fourth dimension > Project ‘05/Dedicated to Marilyn Dammann by SGHINO > Frisch >“Belly Button” Mailart project > for info about MA projects to: Massimo Medola, v. Lino Gucci 12, 40133 Bologna, ItalyI Santini del Prete > www.isantinidelprete.netZAV > BLURR > Buz Blurr, 908 Main Street, Gurdon, Arkansas 71743, USAV.A.C. & Julien Blaine > Ventabren Art Contemporain, Le moulin de Ventabren, 13122 Ventabren, France / ventabrenartcontempor@yahoo.frLaura Barletta > address : Antonio Sassu, v. Alessandrini 40, 35038 Torreglia (PD), ItalyMichel Trani / Republique du Cocciland, 12 A.nue de la Mission, 34110 Vic la Gardiole, FrancePaula J Jesgarz, Margaretenstr. 4, 45888 Gelsenkirchen, GermanyKen Leslie - KEN / ART, 7/69 Studio Drive, Oxenford, Queensland, 4210, AustraliaGaglione Picasso, 5033 N.Mozart st, Chicago, IL 60625, USANEW CONTACTS! :Thru Your Eyes - Mail Art -Mixed Media / Anne, Box 2071, Corrales, New Mexico 87048, USAGiacomo Verde > Di Mino > “Independent Arts”-Festival with international Mail-Art meeting & Mail-Art project  / Friday 21 till Sunday 23 April 2006 Call for entries / proposals [01] Introduction:Since 1988, the "Independent Arts"-Festival has grown towards an international known event for any form of creativity. The aim of the Festival is both to present an overview of independent creativity world wide, performed by communication networks, and to create a meeting place for exchanging the acquired experiences. The Festival mainly focuses on artistic activities performed in scenes such as home-tape, Mail-Art, street art, small press, … On top of that, video, performance and fine art artists do get the possibility to exhibit and perform their creativity. As such, the "Independent Arts"-Festival is unique in its kind. [02] Goal:Issue 18 will focus itself on the interaction between artists and an estimated public of 700. The public will not only be able to “see” but also to “do” in various ways. For participating artists an extra challenge. [03] Open for participation:This Festival offers artists world-wide the opportunity to exhibit or perform any form of creativity. Participation is free. This can by being present and interacting with the public, sending up your artworks or art proposals for interaction with the public. The "Independent Arts"-Festival is a non-profit event, organised on a voluntary base by non-paid volunteers.-o- Street Art: Stencil graffiti, stickering, postering, ... or any form of personal creativity related to street art.-o- Fine art: Guest exhibitions from local young artists whom did not have, as yet, the possibility to exhibit their artwork.-o- Mail-Art: Mail-Art or correspondence art has been part of international arts scene since the 50's by means of aesthetic items as rubberstamps, artistamps, artist trading cards, fluxus bucks, decorated postcards, ...-o- Small press: A view on the scene of independent publications and small press, comic books or artists books. For many years, zines, or self-edited and self-published magazines, have become an essential communication form in several sub-cultures.-o- Performance: Performance art is, with its mix of fine art and theatre, an almost unknown form of creativity. Spoken word, literature or poetry reading can undeniably be part of the Festival.-o- Video: The world of moving images has broadened substantially as video, animation, independent film and documentary have been here for ages, with the internet and web-video becoming its most recent additions.-o- Home-tape: In the homegrown-tape scene, musicians have been recording their synth stuff on cassette tape from the early 80's onwards, and mailing them directly to anyone interested. Since then slowly moving towards CD-recording and creation of new independent labels. [04] Interested to participate:Send your proposal to Sztuka Fabryka. Deadline for proposals are 1 August 2005, 1 November 2005 and 1 February 2006. Your proposal will be discussed by the organising “Hotel Volzet”. If your proposal has found a space within the programme, you will get noticed soon.For more information contact Sztuka Fabryka or visit the website for more Sztuka Fabryka - c/o De Decker Geert - Kerkstraat 290 - 9140 Tielrode – Belgium Tel & Fax: 03 - 770 84 64 Address of Residence only available in case of visit [05] International Mail-Art meeting:The Festival is a meeting place for Mail-artists and other networking artists from around the world. A designated area in the Festival space will be reserved for Mail-artists to meet. Even more than the past years we offer visiting Mail-artists possibilities to interact with the public. Several tables with art material will be present for Mail-artists to be creative on ATC's, fluxus bucks, artistamp sheets, blank paper, ... Interested to join the international Mail-Art meeting and to swap your Mail-Art with a large public and other Mail-artists? Write us and experience the 18th "Independent Arts"-Festival. [06] Mail-Art project "The Earth Charter" : Friour Network Magazine Project: "The Earth Charter" organised by Guido Vermeulen. This is a call to send artistic contributions around the four basic principles of the earth charter: I. Respect and care for the community of life. II. Ecological integrity. III. Social and economic Justice. IV. Democracy, non-violence, and peace. Free size and medium (all visual expressions and poetry / texts) Deadline is December 31, 2005. Contributions will be united in a new issue of Friour Network Magazine and exhibited at the 18th "Independent Arts"-Festival. For info on the Earth Charter: please visit Mail your contributions to: Friour's Earth Charter Project - c/o Guido Vermeulen - Vincottestreet 81 - B-1030 Brussels – Belgium or by Email to:  Do not send your contribution for this project to Sztuka Fabryka (…) [09] Catalogue / gift:All contributing artists to the Festival will get a catalogue (CD-Rom format) / gift in return, available for participants only, produced as an unique piece by “Hotel Volzet”. [10] Website Festival:A regular update of the Festival programme with full information on the participating artists can be consulted at the website: Information about hotel accommodation and the location of the Festival can be found at the website also. [11] Organisation: The 18th "Independent Arts"-Festival is curated by Sztuka Fabryka, and organised by “Hotel Volzet” (Bétime, Sztuka Fabryka, Nico Van Cleemput and Dries Pauwels). In co-operation with O.J.C. Kompas, the Cultural Centre of the city Sint-Niklaas, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Municipality of Sint-Niklaas. [12] Festival location "De Vierkante zaal" - Van Britsomstraat - Sint-Niklaas – Belgium "De Vierkante zaal" is the exhibition hall of the local Academy of Fine Arts (Stedelijke academie voor schone kunsten), situated in a building complex which also comprises the City Theatre (Stadsschouwburg). [13] Belgium the “Heart of Europe”: Do you plan to visit Europe? Why not in combination with the Festival and discover Belgium ( Sint-Niklaas is located almost in the middle of the Flemish part of Belgium and offers the possibility to visit many cultural cities: a train trip to Antwerp and Ghent takes 30 minutes, to Brussels and Bruges one hour, ... Easy access to other European cities as London, Paris, Amsterdam, … Please pass on this Festival news to your contacts who might be interested in participation to this event. Sztuka Fabryka - c/o De Decker Geert - Kerkstraat 290 - 9140 Tielrode - Belgium  Tel & Fax: 03 - 770 84 64 e-mail: bnet e-zine / mail art bulletin Bruno Capatti (mail and visual performing artist) , via Luminasi 22, 40059 Medicina (Bologna), Italy / EuropeMail Art Archives, 44020 Dogato (Ferrara), Italy / Europebnet@libero.it of  CORPUS 1 / ZEROTRE - Movimento Arte Effimera BRAIN ACADEMYNETGROUP / Gruppo PULSPLUS / MMA – MultiMediArteI.U.O.M.A - The International Union Of Mail ArtistsSupport of AU MA+ GOM@ Urgent Action of Mail Art / Global Organization of Mail Artist