
Post N° 1

bnet@zine   MAIL ART e-bulletin # 1 / 11.'04MAIL ART PROJECTS1.PSYCHE OUT FANZINE Silvano Pertone, V.le Villini Rollino 108/1, 16154 Sestri Ponente, Genova, Italy...Earth!POST "PSYCHO" CARDsend your card free technic size 10x15 doc. to alldeadline 30/04/'052."STENCIL ART"Send pictures from stencil art in the streetsor make & send your own stencils(in case of pictures, mention location)Deadline: end march 2005Documentation catalogue to all participants   send to: Fan MailCashel, FoxfordCounty Mayorep. of 3. L'Histoire de l'Art Postal est bien connue. Elle commence au XIXéme siècle avec la première carte postale (Autriche-1869) et les tentatives de quelques pionniers tels Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Erik Satie, les Futuristes taliens, les Dadaistes et Marcel Duchamp. En 1962, Ray Johnson créa la "New York School of Correspondance", qu'il définit ainsi: "Le seul moyen de comprendre quelque chose à mon école est d'y parteciper pendant quelque temps. C'est secret, privé et sans règles". (Ray Johnson 1927-1995) Pour les 10 ans de sa disparition, participez à l'evocation de sa mémoire en envoyant votre art postal (lettres décorés, timbres, dessins, collages, etc.) a cette adresse: JEAN HUGUES46 Rue de Gesvres60000 BeauvaisFrance 4.Los invito a participar de mis dos proyectos de mail art:You are invited to participate in this mail art project: Memorial principios del Siglo XXIDirección / Adress:  Por la descontaminación de ViequesDirección / Adress: Saludos / Best regardsElías Adasme 5.RÉPARATION DE POÉSIE'S ARTIST BOOK NO.16We invite you to participate to next number (15); send 75 original pages (maximum size: 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 inches ( 14 X 21.5 cm);  send  computer art, visual art, mail art, visual poetry, writing,postcards ; no selection; a copy of the book will be returned to each participant; The theme is free. The deadline is: Mach first, 2005. Note if you want to receive your copy of the assembling you must be member of our collective : 10 canadian dollars inside Canada and 15 canadian dollars outside Canada.15 euroooos in euroopeCollectif Réparation de PoésieC/O Jean-Claude Gagnon1-359, rue Lavigueur, Québec,Qc., Canada, G1R 1B3Courrriel: jean475@sympatico.caTelephone : 1-418-647-38336. PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE POSTALEINTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT“ VOLO LIBERO D'ARIA”“ AIR FREEDOM FLIGHT”tecnica / medium : libera / free - dimensioni / size : A4 scadenza / deadline : 31/03/2005 / 31th March 2005inviare i lavori a / send the works to:Sapori Locali Autonomi c/o Bruno Galeottivia G.Galilei, 740055 CASTENASO (BO)ITALIA partecipazione per/partecipation by e-mail d.davalli@tin.iti lavori non saranno restituiti / no returndocumentazione ai partecipanti / documentation to the partecipants 7.DALI'S MOUSTACHE Please send to :  José Nogueira Cx. Postal - 14.411 02199-970  SP / SP Brasil  ( Pass on to all your friends, thanks ! )  8.MAIL ART DAY . December 5 . 2004 EditionHere is the coupon to take part of the 6th Edition of the Mail Art DayMore info at : for your participation and pass along this project..................................................................VORTICE ARGENTINA c/o Fernando Garcia DelgadoBacacay 3103, Buenos Aires, C1406GEE, Argentinate/ph: (+54-11) 4611-4293icq #: 9. MAIL-ART PROJECT Pinky23 impasse Rotrou28000 CHARTRES / France searches forcure for heart acheandthe tecnical forpreventing heart ache no deadline! 10. PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE POSTALEINTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT I PRIMI CINQUECENTO ANNI DI MONNA LISA (LA GIOCONDA) THE FIRST FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OF MONNA LISA (LA GIOCONDA)Immagine-simbolo, icona della pittura e delle arti visive, amata, ammirata, celebrata, studiata, analizzata,  romanticizzata, esaltata, riprodotta, imitata, ironizzata, beffeggiata,….. ma mai ignorata!Nei suoi primi cinquecento anni, vogliamo festeggiarla insieme?Symbol-image, icon of the painting and the visual arts, loved, admired, celebrated, studied, analysed, romanticized, exalted, reproduced, imitated, ironized, ridiculed……but never ignored!In the  first five hundred years, I invited you  to celebrate her  together.Tecnica e dimensioni/medium and sizes :  libere/freeScadenza/Deadline :   30 giugno 2005 / 30th june 2005Inviare i lavori a/Send the works to :  ANNA BOSCHIVia G.Tanari n. 1445/B40024 – CASTEL S.PIETRO TERME (BO)I lavori non saranno restituiti, ma resteranno a disposizione nel “Mailartmeeting Archives” / NO RETURNDocumentazione ai partecipanti/documentation to the participants ------------------------------------------------------------ I propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure ! Please, send my MAIL ART call ! Thank'you !8MAIL ART ON WEB 2004Rochetta Sandri (MO), Italy, photo Bruno Capattie-mail:  is under constructionJs-mail:Bruno Capattivia Italo Luminasi 2240059 Medicina (BO) Italy