
bnet e-zine mail art bulletin # 12 / 01.’06 (A)

letterbox – Venezia, ‘05 / photo Morandi (detail)Emilio Morandi / Artestudio-Afterstudio, v. S.Bernardino 88, 24028 Ponte Nossa (BG), Italymail art  projects:01SELF PORTRAIT?FREE MEDIA, FREE SIZE. NO DEDLINE.SEND YOUR WORK TO: SBIETTI STEFANO,VIA A: DELLA ROBBIA 60, 52100 AREZZO, ITALY.E-MAIL: sbietti.stefano@virgilio.itDOCUMENTATION TO ALL.web site: Mail Artist,I invite your participation in an ongoing mal art Call from Worlds of Light Int’l Publishing.Please join forward-moving energies and expressFor all nations to forsake:“war; race hatreds; religious secretarianism; andboomerang evils of materialism”THEME: A PLEA TO FORSAKEDOCUMENTATION: Periodic artist bookProduction; original displayed on BLOG, b&w copy to artist.NO RESTRCTIONSSEND mail art, stamp art, postcards, envelopes, etc. to:WORDS OF LIGHT INT’L PUBLISHING275 Baldwinville Road, Mohawk TrailPhillipston, MA 01331-9733 USABest wishesChristine Tarantino03 “ Sonido” / “ Sound ”El sonido esta todo el tiempo alrededor nuestro / Sound is all time around usEnviar en técnica libre / send in free technique, tamaño libre / free sizeSin fecha limite / no dead line, Documentación a todos, documentation to allPrimera exposición en Octubre 2006 / first expo in October 2006Enviar a / send to: Federico BarabinoJujuy 416, Merlo  (1722)Buenos Aires ArgentinaMail: federicobarabino@hotmail.comWeb: www.barabinomerce.8m.com04Frank  (ZAPPA) is back!Progetto internazione di mail art / International mail art projectFormato: cartolina (cm 10 x 15) / Format: postacard (cm 10 x 15) Tecnica: libera / Technique: freeCatalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: www.casaditolleranza.comScadenza / dead line: 31-3-2006 I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:casa di tolleranza  c/o surico del bassovia ingegnoli,17 20131 milano italyIndicando nome, cognome e nazionalità dell’artista + indirizzo e-mail please insert name, surname, country and e-mail address le opere verranno selezionate artworks will be selected inaugurazione: 8 aprile 2006  / opening: 8th april 2006 Casa di Tolleranza /  tel/fax 02.2610360mm2 lambrate/cit. surico - del basso/ palazzina cortile interno/primo piano05Nada-Zéro - portfoliosend  20  original works size 8 x 8 cm or 20 artiststamps to:Christian ALLE9, rue du pré de la mer50460 URVILLE-NACQUEVILLEFRANCE06"Psychedelic"a Mail Art Exhibition in Greecesend a colour work to:Ioanna PapachristouRiga Feraiou 840200 ElassonaGreecedeadline: 31/1/200607NIGHT OF SUNParadoxical humor ? Natural miracle ? Black romance ?Speculative astronomic ? Digital fairytale ? ………The technical realisation is free. Size 4,15 x 6 inch or 8,30 x 6 inch  (10,5 x 15     x    15 x 21 cm)(As an exepiton also bigger, smaller or three-dimensional could fit, too.)All contribution will be shown at the exhibition ( April 17 - October 15, 2006).Your Mail-Art Work will not be sent back to you, but instead you can find your workin the Collection of the WONDER-CHAMBER in the SCHLOSS BARTENSTEIN.Some of the Art Works will be printed as Postcards in the EigenArt-Verlag or you will find it on the Internet.Please send your contribution soonor till February 28, 2006 to:Martin SchwartzKunstkammer im Schloss BartensteinD-74575 BartensteinGermany08“I’VE  LOST LILLY’ S  PICTURE”Please send me back the picture because it is obvious you have it on you. I won’t offer you any rewards, I won’t say thank you, and I won’t like you more.It’s not your business to know why I’m like that…Send all  Lilly’s pictures, do not be greedy and do it till the 1 st of April 2006 at the address :FLOREAN MUSEUMP.O.BOX 1, Post Office no. 9BAIA MARE  430510MARAMURESROMANIAFORMAT – POSTAL CARDTECHNIQUE- ANY TECHNIQUEAll mail arts will be posted on the Internet at Florean Museum address:,and  will make up the basis of the Mail Art Exibition which will be opened between the 27th of  May and the 15th of June 2006.I believe that there is no point in reminding you that I won’t hand  Lilly’s picture  back.If you still desire to chat a little, I’m waiting at the  e-mail   address: Bochis - Curator 09TAROTS PROJECT / PROGETTO TAROCCHIFree size - Misura liberaFormat and Thecnic:/ Formato e tecnica: Free /Liberano return - le opere ricevute non saranno restituiteexibition in Museum of Tarots (Italy) Winter 2006 . Mostra espositiva presso il Museo dei Tarocchi (Italia) nell'inverno 2006, ove sarà creato un archivio permanente relativo alle opere ricevute.  Deadline: MAY, 31, 2006 - Scadenza: 31 maggio 2006All works must be send by post with postage stamps.Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postale.Send to:/ Spedisci a: Morena Poltronieri - Museum of Tarots / Museo dei Tarochi - Via Palmieri, 5 - 40047 Riola (Bo) (only for info)www.museodeitarocchi.it10"Knights"Send a work about the Knights of Your country or Your idea of Knight,with Your preferite artistic technic.Size: A5Deadline: 15/3/2006No Jury, No return.Exhibition in Spring at  "New Copy Center" Via 24 maggio, 134  La Spezia (Italy).We will announce you the date of the show. Documentation to all by e-mail or letter.Alberto Sordi / Stefano CarloniSPEZIA CITY OF MAIL ART.