
bnet e-zine mail art bulletin # 13 / 02- 03.’06

letterbox – Viareggio ‘05 / photo Vittore Baroni,Vittore Baroni, via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italymail art  projects :01KISSES Comment : We looked for enthusiastic Kisses, of love, desire,innocents, brotherly, false, etc... Info : For exhibiton please send any medium that deal with any technique. Deadline: May 2006 Artist : LUIS DIAZ GARCIALaponia, 13, 1^  A 28030  MADRID - Spain02 MasksWhat masks do you wear?Send artmail on masks toRaven leMay1961 Carven Dr.Northwood, Ohio USADocumantation to allClose date 4/30/0603"The map" /  Mário Quintana (1906-2006)Please, send postcards related to the theme.Size:10cmX15cmFree techniqueDeadline: 10 / 03 / 2006Send to: Atelier Livre - Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre Av. Erico Verissimo, 307CEP: 90160181Porto Alegre / RS / BrasilNo jury.No returns.Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre-Secretaria Municipal da Cultura-Coordenação de Artes Plásticas-Atelier Livre-Oficina deTecnologias Digitais-Mara Caruso( Map by Mário Quintana ( 1906 - 2006 )” I see the map of the cityLike someone who examined the anatomy of a body...(as if it was my own body!)I feel a weird painFrom the streets of Porto AlegreWhere I'll never pass on...There are so many strange corners,So many wall nuancesThere are so many beautiful girlsAt the streets I didn't walk on( And there is an anchanted street which not even in dreams I have dreamed...)”04STICKIN’ GLUE...After pioneering sticker art with the documentation in 1993 of the extensive Stickerman Project (issue n. 67, “Stickerman’s Scrapbook”) that lead to the show Stick Up the Art! and the opening in Viareggio of The Stickerman Museum with works from hundreds of international artists, Vittore Baroni’s legendary Arte Postale! magazine - sustaining networking cultures since 1977 - returns with another special issue devoted to all kinds of adhesive creations. Taking into account the recent developments of street art, the publication intends to link stickerism to various underground traditions, from hobo’s marks to mail art, with a tip of the hat to Mark Perry’s seminal d-i-y zine Sniffin’ Glue... and to Piermario Ciani, the ideator of the Stickerman character as illegally and officially presented in several editions of the Venice Art Biennial ( for more info).To participate in the STICKIN’ GLUE... issue  of Arte Postale!, send a documentation of your sticker art (photos, texts, samples, etc. - the material will not be returned!) or of interesting stickers that you have discovered around the globe, and/or send 150 copies of a sticker of your creation (maximum size cm. 14 x 20) to be included in each copy of the zine. Deadline for all submissions is June 30, 2006. Include your postal address clearly, a copy will be sent free to each contributor. Mail to: AP! c/o  Vittore Baroni, via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, invite / open to all.....05Social StigmaHi to everybody I’m very glad to propose you this Mail Art Globe Call.As an artist and as a doctor practising in psychiatry too.Social Stigma is the stigmatitation of differences: immigration, sexsual, illness, childhood ones.All the mail-card ( extremely free for format and tecniques ) will be exposed on Ailas congress. ( ailas is the Italian association fighting social stigma on medicine practise, expecially psychiatric one ). I proposed this project to my Chef professor ( prof. Antonello Bellomo, you can find him on ailas site ) and he agreed. I will make a video with mail art and audio will be music and lectures from novels talking abuot the item. Local Library will help us to select them.I will send the video, by mail or e-mail as you preffer to all.Thank you to everybodyDead line on 20 April 2006Send to Luigi Starace, Viale Beccarini 38, 71043 Manfredonia (Foggia), Italy06God is a tree – not a T.V.It wae said to me ‘Nothing new can be done with the worlds most iconic symbol ‘The Cross’. What do you think?Send interprettation by 30 September 2006 to:No rules, free medium, any style, documentation. Exhibition guaranted.Raz Mail Art / Wayne Rasmussen, P.O.Box 1026, Fortitude Valley 4006, Quensland, Australia07Night of SunParadoxical humor? Natural miracle? Black romance? Speculative astronomic?Digital fairytale?...The tecnical realisation is free. Size: 4,15x6 inch or 8,39x6 (10,5x15 or 15x21 cm)(As an exception also biger, smaller or three-dimensionnal could fit, too)All contributions will be shown at the exhibition (April 17- October 15, 2006)).Your Mail-Art Work will not be sent back to you, but instead you can find your work int the Collecton of the Wonder-Chamber in the Schloss Bartenstein.Some  of the Art Works will be printed as Postcards in the EigenArt-Verlag or you will find it on the internet.Please send your contribution soon or till February 28, 2006 to:Martin Schwarz, Kunstkammer im Schloss Bartenstein, D-74575 Bartenstein, Germanywww.kunstkammer.de08International project of mail artFor the creation of the Permanent Space Of artCommon of Montalbano Jonico (MT)Theme: The martyrdom / Il martirioin the amplest interpretation of the term; religious, political, social, moral, etcDim: least 13x18cm , Max 20x30cm / Tec. : free / Dead. 30th June 2006 / No returnofficial receiver: Joseph Filardi in collaboration of the association "Euterpe"Exposition in August 2006 near the building De Ruggeri Montalbano Jonico (MT)The presentation of the event will be served as the official receiver , criticalof art, working artists in the mailart and institutional representatives.Material for everybody.It notices well: Please you divulge the invitationSend to:Giuseppe Filardi, via Risorgimento 36, 75023 Montalbano Jonico (MT)092nd Mail Art International ExpositionAfter having obtained such a great succes with the 1st Mail Art International Exposition, which was organized by the millenium bcp Club, it was decided to carry out its 2nd edition. So we are inviting all the artist to partecipate according to the following rules:Organization: Millennium bcp ClubSubject: SEA/ FishermenSize: postal – 10,50 x 15,00 cmTechnique: FreeDeadline: 20th June, 2006 Public Exhibition:It will take place this year in August in the Exhibition Rooms of the Tourism Office in Furadouro beach - OVARAddress where all the works should be sent:Arte PostalClube Millenium bcpRua Passos Manuel, 26, 5°4000-381 PortoPortugalwww.clubemillenniumbcp.ptAll the Works will be exhibited and a catalogne will be made and sent to every mail artist10RICCHEZZA E POVERTA'WEALTH AND POVERTYsize: max A4no returnle opere ricevute non saranno restituiteno fee, no jurynessuna selezione nè giuriaexhibition during Creativa, doc.mostra durante Creativa, doc. deadline  MAY 20, 2006scadenza 20 MAGGIO 2006all works must be sent by post with postage stampstutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postalesend to: / spedisci a:Comune di Rignano Sull'Arno, Piazza della Repubblica, 1 o/orFranco Piri Focardi, via XX Settembre, 1850067 Rignano Sull'Arno (FI) - ItalyAll the artworks will be preserved in the file of the Public Library