
Post N° 11

bnet e-zine   MAIL ART  bulletin # 2 / 12.'04MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY 2005 !MAIL ART PROJECTS1.PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE POSTALEINTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECTLA PACE HA COLORE?HAS THE PEACE COLOUR? Tecnica e dimensioni/Medium and sizes: libere/freeScadenza/Deadline :  31 Luglio/July  2005SENZA RITORNO - NO RETURNDocumentazione a tutti i partecipanti/documentation to all participants.Mostra/Exhibition a Castel S.Pietro Terme-BO-Italy in Settembre/on September 2005Inviare i lavori/Send the works to:“MAILARTMEETING ARCHIVES” – c/o Anna BoschiVia G.Tanari n. 1445/B40024 – CASTEL S.PIETRO TERME (BO) – Italye-mail: cermasi@libero.itGrazie fin d’ora a tutti /Thanks in advance to everybody2.MAILARTPROJECTTHEME:TEMPLUMTECHNIQUE:ONLY POSTCARDSDEADLINE:13 DECEMBAR(FREE IN YOUR ART MEDIUM)SEND TO:VIZANT-VISUAL ART ART BOOK & ORGANIZED EXPO.3.Pinocchio nell’Arte Postale (Mail-Art)Il progetto di Bruno Chiarlone prevede di far girare il mondo all’immagine di Pinocchio disegnando cartoline, francobolli, piccoli disegni per rendere omaggio al famoso burattino. L’invito è rivolto ai creativi, ai mail-artisti, agli illustratori di tutto il mondo e a tutti coloro che hanno una loro idea di Pinocchio. Le opere originali saranno esposte in mostre didattiche itineranti assieme ai libri su Pinocchio che fanno parte della collezione GRIFL di Cairo Montenotte (SV).Dear Artistfriend, please send me your artistamps, cards, small drawings about PINOCCHIO. I promote this project for divulgate also in Mail Art the winning figure of famous puppet Pinocchio. Your works will be shown in various didactic exhibitions together many books of the “GRIFL Pinocchio Collection” in Cairo Montenotte - Italy. I will sent you information about the exhibitions. Please divulgate the project. Thank you in advance for your participation.Spedire a / Send your work to:                                                                                                               Pinocchio Mail Art – via G. Buffa, 15  - 17014 Cairo Montenotte  (SV) – Italia  / bchiarl@tin.it4. MICHE-ART-UNIVERSALIS projects POSTCARD OF TOWNNo deadlineTHE HEARTSize: postcardFree mediumNo deadline ARTIST BOOK-FLUXSBUCKFree theme and sizeAll medium (visual art expressions, poetry, letters, photo and so on…)No deadlineSend your contribution and art to:MICHE-ART-UNIVERSALIS, Steenweg op Beerse 9, 2330 Merksplas, Belgium MICHE-ART-UNIVERSALIS signalings SECRET OF EGYPTFree size and mediumNo deadline Send your contributions to Saartje Stiers, Steenweg op Beerse 7, 2330 Merksplas, Belgium ANGEL IN THE SKYSize: postcard Free mediumNo deadlineFrida Nuyens, Zuidstraat 11, 2340 Beerse, Belgium LETTER(S)-TYPESize: postcard or artist bookFree mediumNo deadlineSend your contibution to:Bernadette D’Haese, Nijverheidsstraat 12, 2350  Vosselaar, Belgium5. International Exhibition of Mail Art & Experimental Poetry «  In the 400 Centenary of the El Quijote firs book pubblication » Topic: El Quijote y ExtremaduraNo restrictionDeadline : 28th February 2005Exhibition: Asamblea de ExtremaduraCurator : Abel Hernandez Blazquez & Antonio Orihuela Send to: I.E.S. Arroyo de San Servan c/ La Sierra, s/n06850 Arroyo de San ServanSpain 6.International mail art projectThe box of nothing is really emily joeLa scatola del niente e’ veramente emily joe  Tecniche e dimensioni libere Scadenza il 30 giugno 2005Inviare i lavori a emily joe via cellini n . 45/ E Fagnano Olona 21054 varese  Documentazione a tuttiGrazie a tutti Deadline 30 th june 2005Send the work to: emily joe archive via cellini 45/ e fagnano olona varese 21054 italia Documentation to the partecipantsMany thanks in advanceCopy and pass, please 7.  Self-portrait in the mirror-CD   Take that CD that you will throw to the garbage uses. Use it as a mirror and with an appropriate marker, or any other appropriate instrument, make your self-portrait on him.  In this way, we recycle in an artistic way.   The received works will be exposed in a web-gallery that will be created.  Documentation for all the participants.   Deadline   July of 2005.   Don't forget your postal data and e-mailSuggestion. - the permanent markers works well for this. Send to :         Miguel JiménezEl Taller de ZenónC/ Santa Maria de Guia 1- 4º CDp. 41008   Sevilla  España 8.DALI’S  MOUSTACHE  MAIL ART  Free Size and Medium : Postcards, Drawings, Paintings, Collage, Artistamp . . . Free Tecnique           Deadline: March , 28, 2005  Send Contributions to : JOSÉ NOGUEIRA CX. POSTAL - 14.411 02199-970 - SÃO PAULO /  SP BRASIL  9.PANAFEST 2005 – GHANA, West AfricaA biennial mixture of diverse people and culture that make the PANAFEST a world class event.1st international mail ART show, on the African continent.Org: PANAFEST FOUNDATION (executive committee) in co-operation with: Accademia Reale Tavolara ART Snak-y & Friends, Curator: A.R.Tdirector Snak-y ,Theme: “The Fight Against HIV/AIDS”  Participants: Ghanaian schoolboy’s and girl’s, students from ALL faculties, artist stamp, visual art, visual poetry and mail artists, from ALL over the world.ALL united from an only will: communicate across the art, a language that overcomes the linguistic ties, every political or geographical barrier and unites every religion, every people.Technique free: any media. Size: Din A6: 10cm x 15cm, post-card or artist stamp art: any size. NO return. ALL the works, once sent, become the PANAFEST FOUNDATION property. Documentation to ALL. There is NO limit for number of works. Send your collaboration/works by normal post mail to: PANAFEST FOUNDATION c/o P.O. Box 160, Cape Coast, GHANA W/A. Deadline: max: 1st July 2005. Guarantee from the PANAFEST (Executive Committee) ALL artistamp, visual art, visual poetry and mail ART contributions/works will be exposed from: 24th July to 1sh August 2005 to the: Centre for National Cultures and/or at the PANAFEST EXPO. ALL contacts/ information’s: Accademia Reale Tavolara c/o ARTdirector Snak-y. A.R.T@tiscali.itPray you kindly to diffuse this message to ALL artist and friends.THANKS for your time and for your precious collaboration. P.S.: Dear artist’s and friends, I wish I were there too ask kindly your attention and collaboration. For the occasion of the PANAFESTIVAL 2005 in the Ghana, I want convince a sponsor (or my self…) to realize an ***idea and project: ARTIST-STAMP’S  *** I wish I were there too realize and sell Artist-stamp’s. The complete receipt/result, word of honour from Snak-y, Knight of the gARTer is for: - OSU Children’s Home  Theme: a) The Fight Against HIV/AIDS and/or b) Slavery generally and in particular in Ghana: The Slave Route, Trade, Fort and Castles, Cemetery etc. and/or c) FREE. Size: A6 post-card 10x15cm. Deadline: IF… possible lend. Jury: To realize in accordance with sponsor and budget. NO return. Send to: Snak-y, Villa Vivaldi, 07020 Padru (SS) Italy. Keep in touch, greetings and…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year * Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee * Frohe Weihnachten und ein Gutes Neues Jahr* Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo, from the holiday island Sardinia.  10.STAMPARAMAMauil Art ExhibitionTheme: Ruber StampsBy Mail ArtistsSize: Must Be 2D9x15cm / 2 x 3,5 incDeadline: 1/04/2005Send to:PO Box 481Glebe NSW 2037AUSTRALIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I propagate  MAIL ART projects, with many pleasure ! Please, send my MAIL ART call ! Thank'you !MAIL ART ON WEB italiane..dibattiti:FIGLI DI UN’EDITORIA MINORE due blog UGUALI > blog-spazio dedicato alle fanzine italiane...> al loro essere e fare...> al loro nascere, vivere e morire... > al loro immenso universo Testate fanzinare:: Future Shock 1, 2 - Fatece Largo 1, 2, 3 - Il Foglio Clandestino 1, 2 - Buio in sala - Cartaigenicamag - Reggae Revolution 1, 2 - Fumettomania - Rockit'mag - Itullians Fanzine - La Gazzetta di Clerville 1, 2 - Out 1, 2 - Uk Football Please 1, 2 - Lamette - Mail Art Service 1, 2 - Rancido - Rizoma - Fumetto 1, 2 - Bam! 1, 2 - average zine - Cronaca di Topolinia 1, 2 - ComicUS Poster - Rukola - Alpha Quadrant - Walhalla 1, 2 - 29febbraio - La Soglia - Cagnara - ph+txt - Ink 1, 2 - Container - Anomalie 1, 2 - Bnetzine - Wonderwall - Camelot 2019 - Oriental Beat - Ganesh - Abastor 1, 2 - Suta - Dusk - Paginazero 1, 2 - Il Gatto Nero 1, 2 – (…) < Future Shock n.44 | fanzine italiane | > 27.11.2004bnet@zine # 1bnet@zine   MAIL ART e-bulletin # 1 / 11.'04e-mail: bnet@zinebnet@libero.it  is under constructions-mail:Bruno Capattivia Italo Luminasi 2240059 Medicina (BO) Italy bastian contrario ore 19:26  commenti (0)letterbox 2004Portomaggiore  (FE) - Italy, photo Bruno Capattibnet e-zinee-mail:  bnet@libero.its-mail: Bruno Capattivia Italo Luminasi 2240059 Medicina (BO) Italy – Europe