Why You Should Visit

Colombian Tours For the Adventurous

Colombia is one of those few places left on the map that has all the breathtaking beauty of a popular tourist spot without the throng of tourists. Blame it on misinformation, fear or something else. But, the truth is, Colombian tours are as thrilling as they are virginal. Here, visitors have a feeling that they are in a place that is yet to be discovered. Adventurers get the coveted opportunity to explore enormous natural beauty without intrusion. In short, Colombia has everything you want - the beach, the mountains, archeological treasures, copious natural delights and more. To top it all, it also has the most warm-hearted population ever. And this is the best time to visit Colombia, before the crowds get here and it too becomes a touristy spot. Colombian tours are great for people who love adventure because the land and the terrain allows a number of diverse activities. There is trekking, mountain biking, parasailing and rafting, among other activities. San Gil is even known as the adventure capital of Colombia as it offers various delights such as bungee jumping, parapenting, river repelling, paragliding, riding and trekking. If you love to trek, it is a must to visit Ciudad Perdida. This place offers a tough, 5-day long hike into thick rainforests. Here, you can get to see some spectacular ruins. Don`t miss it because though little known, it is a true travel highlight on Colombia Tours. The Nevado del Ruiz volcano is another gem of a trekking spot. Incredible views and a great trek. If you fall in love with the volcano, visit Parque Nacional Los Nevados, a popular climbing area with a cluster of volcanoes in it.