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ITALIA. L’INDUSTRIA MILITARE PILASTRO DEL SISTEMA PAESE[GRILLOnews.it – 28.06.2017] Il mensile «Nigrizia» di giugno ospita un dossier sulla produzione e commercio internazionale delle armi italiane, e sul coinvolgimento collaborativo e interessato delle banche, che mettono a disposizione dell’industria bellica servizi di intermediazione ben remunerati e conti correnti. Come recita l’incipit, «l’industria militare è il pilastro del sistema Paese. È…


Vladimir Putin ha concesso la cittadinanza russa a Steven Seagal. Lo ha annunciato il Cremlino sul suo sito internet ufficiale. Il feeling ideologico tra l’attore americano e il leader continua da tempo. In passato Seagal aveva difeso la politica del governo russo, compresa l’annessione della penisola di Crimea nel 2014, spendendo lodi su Putin: “E’…

pashalusta privienie



La Russia è più pericolosa di Daesh, potrebbe attaccare la Polonia e i Paesi Baltici in ogni momento, una vera minaccia secondo gli amici americani. Proprio per questo in Polonia è in atto "Anaconda", l'esercitazione NATO più massiccia dalla guerra fredda.Carri armati tedeschi attraversano la Polonia in lungo e in largo, no, non è una…

nie mui

BRENNAN: As I said, I could have gone on and on and on about all the challenges out there. I didn't mention Ukraine; didn't mention a lot of issues related to Russia.China is a growing power of great economic, political, and increasingly military influence and presence. And clearly, as we look at what's happening in…

nie mui

BRENNAN: Well, we will make my remarks available on the CIA website, which is www.cia.gov, later on today. And I do say in there that a lot of these governments and regimes have opted for authoritarian measures at the expense of democratic principles and human rights. And I do think that there-unfortunately, some of these…

nie mui

WOODRUFF: And do you see any progress on that front?BRENNAN: I have had numerous interactions with my Russian counterparts. I visited Moscow and talked with them. I feel as though they can do more. They probably feel that we can do more. But they, I don't believe, have lived up to the commitments as far…

nie mui

I have tremendous respect for the FBI's capabilities. I interact with Jim Comey on a regular basis. The FBI has a real challenge because here are individuals who could be in their home will have no interaction with other people, but will be on the Internet and will be shaped and influenced by what they're…

nie mui

WOODRUFF: Is it something that the rest of the world just has to get used to?BRENNAN: I don't think we should ever get used to it. I think what we have to do is to redouble our efforts to try to uncover what they're doing, stop them, in terms of carrying out these attacks, but…

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