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FRANCE: Nicolas Sarkozy is "very pleased" the birth of her daughter

President Nicolas Sarkozy said for the first time Thursday morning, during a visit in Mayenne, the birth of her daughter yesterday, saying about the baby and his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: "They are doing very well!" . Following an informal speech to employees of a sorting of waste has changed, the head of state was presented with several gifts: a bib, a book for his wife and a small oak to plant. "It's really very nice, very delicate," said Sarkozy. "We had the chance to have a great happiness.All parents here can understand our deep joy, a joy all the more profound it is private, but they are doing very well! "He added. About the name of the child, who has not been made public, the president said: "We will leave the mother is pleased to say." From the beginning of the visit of the sorting group Séché, Nicolas Sarkozy had received the congratulations of several employees.To "bravo", he replied "thank you for your kindness." The Head of State should give a speech at noon to conclude his visit to Mayenne. In the early morning, he had made a transition from less than an hour at the clinic in La Muette (Paris XVI), where his wife was admitted Wednesday morning and she gave birth in the early evening of a little girl. As the Elysee did know in advance, no official statement has accompanied the birth of the child.