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SYRIA: "The establishment of humanitarian corridors has no chance of success"

  This Wednesday, Feb. 15, broadcast on France Info, Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, has again raised the establishment of humanitarian corridors in Syria, a wish that he had already issued last November but remained adamant refusal to face piles of Damascus. "We must protect people and the humanitarian dimension is very important, said French Foreign Minister. The idea of ​​humanitarian corridors allowing NGOs to reach areas that are being absolutely outrageous massacres should be taken up by the Security Council. "This initiative can she bend the re ; regime of Bashar al-Assad? Fabrice Balanche, lecturer at the University of Lyon-2 and Group Director of Research and studies on the Mediterranean and the Middle East (Gremmo) delivers e LEMENTS response to FRANCE 24. FRANCE 24: The idea of ​​opening humanitarian corridors in Syria has been exited from Alain Juppe three months after he has already put this proposal on the table. She most likely to succeed today? Fabrice Balanche: This proposal comes after the new assault was launched on the city of Homs. The international community, and in France on the Quai d'Orsay could not stand idly by, or at least silently. But on this issue, the Syrian regime will not waver. For him, Homs is nothing but a home in the hands of terrorists must be annihilated. Authorize the sending of a humanitarian convoy on its land would be an admission of weakness on his part and he would run the risk of being accused of a crime against humanity. This project therefore has no chance of success and countries that oppose Bashar al-Assad know. But the face of crimes committed every day, you have to react, surf the emotion, occupy the media space, how in the bidding ... For 2012, there has been nothing Hopefully, the situation will change favorably certainly not before 2013. Why France she returned to the charge now? Should we see a particular strategy? FB: In France, the context is obviously special because we are in a major election year. Alain Juppe, for its part, does not know if it will be still in office in May (the day after the second round of the presidential election, Ed). For him, time is short, we must act quickly. Especially since, once the rebellion suppressed, Bashar al-Assad again fully monitor the situation and the question of sending humanitarian convoys will be completely obsolete. For the Syrian authorities, the recipe is simple: we opposed the mate and healing will be found. Another cause for concern, but this time affecting the entire international community: the end of March Qatar will sell the presidency of the Arab League in Iraq, an ally of Damascus ..... ...... France seeks she to play a leadership role in the Syrian file? FB: France maintains a special relationship with countries like Syria or Lebanon, that were under French Mandate (Syria was between the 1920 and 1946, Ed). And then, the French authorities intend perhaps surf the success of their intervention in Libya. We must not forget that in his time, Jacques Chirac had made its ally Syria, despite the atrocities committed by Hafez al-Assad, the father and predecessor of Bashar. Today France has positioned itself in case it supports the Syrian opposition would come to prevail. Syria then again become a major trading partner for Paris. Finally, a comparison with a new Syrian state would allow French authorities to be present in the peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.