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GERMANY: Poll test for Merkel in Bavaria one week of German law

  Poll test for Merkel. A week German elections, the Chancellor hopes a decisive victory in the regional elections in Bavaria, Sunday 15 September, when she sees reducing its comfortable lead in the polls. The Conservatives are given winners in this largely Catholic region of southern Germany, the most prosperous in Europe. In power continuously for 56 years, the Christian Social Union (CSU), sister of the small Bavarian Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel could even find most absolute that it lost in 2008. Some 9.5 million people are called to the polls in the largest regional state and the second most populous country. Polling stations opened at 8am (6am GMT) and close at 18h (16h GMT). Initial projections should follow in time before the first official preliminary results to 11:45 p.m. (9:45 p.m. GMT). A recent survey released Thursday credited the CSU, much more conservative than the CDU, 47% of the vote, against 18% for the Social Democratic Party (SPD), traditionally weak in Bavaria. What score for the Liberal Party? The unknown factor in this election is the score of the Liberal Party FDP, partner in the outgoing coalition government at both the federal and regional levels. Given dying, it could be ejected from the parliament of Munich by failing to cross the 5% threshold of votes required to sit in a legislature in Germany. However, the more liberal Bavarian score will be low Sunday, the greater the temptation for some conservative voters to give their support to the FDP, a week later: a tactical vote to help get as much elected as possible in the hope of saving the current ruling coalition in Berlin.  The election in a state that readily grows its cultural characteristics will be more scrutinized than the federal election campaign, considered quite boring and without substantive debate by the media has been a dramatic Thursday with the publication of a photo of Merkel rival, the Social Democrat Peer Steinbrueck, showing the finger to the A d a magazine. If the SPD leadership was promptly defended some voices behind the scenes, did not hide their bitterness at what could be a serious blunder accordingly. Sign of rising tension, Angela Merkel has warned his supporters: "We must fight. It will be tight, "said she launched at a conference of regional CDU Baden-Württemberg, Saturday. A "net increase" in the score of the SPD in Bavaria "We greatly help a week later," said Peer Steinbrück in a newspaper to be published Sunday. With news