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FRANCE: Case Leonarda: general outcry after the proposal from Holland

  Away to silence critics of the proposal Hollande caused a public outcry and reignited the controversy. The President broke Saturday, November 19 a long silence on the matter Leonarda, offering schoolgirl return to France without his family deported to Kosovo, a judgment of Solomon supposed to calm the situation. The expulsion of the Roma teenager Kosovo on 9 October in full school outing, caused a stir in France and a strong mobilization of students. "If she makes the request, the circumstances (...) will be reserved for a home (in France), and alone," ruled the head of state, one face a camera in the gold of the Salle des fêtes de l'Elysée. "The President's gesture is a gesture of generosity for Leonarda but the family did not return ...", insisted the Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls in an interview with JDD .  Leonarda rejects presidential bid The presidential proposal was immediately rejected by the 15 year old girl from Kosovo. "I will not be alone in France, I will not leave my family," replied Leonarda Dibrani, saying it was "not the only one having to go to the school "among his five brothers and deported with his parents ten days earlier sisters. Second presidential announcement: the arrests of children in school are now "prohibited" whatever the circumstances, inside or outside institutions. Manuel Valls and Saturday night sent a circular to the prefects in this direction. Now, the "protection" of school "extends extracurricular time and activities organized by the structures for the collective reception of minors," the text of the statement sent to AFP. Avalanche of criticism of the political class, to within the left But the presidential ascendancy demonstration was undermined by the first secretary of the PS, Harlem Désir, in person. "All the children of the family Leonarda (must have) finish their studies in France accompanied by their mother," said he told AFP. The Left Party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who "demanded" the resignation of Manuel Valls, held a "abject cruelty" is the sum of a young schoolgirl " , choose to live in single family back in France to continue his studies. " For the president of the UMP Jean-Francois Cope, Francois Hollande has raised "a terrible blow to the authority of the state." For his part, François Fillon "regretted the indecision caricature" of the Head of State, who "seek to force summaries, appears ambiguous face to illegal immigration and loose compared to a teenager condemned to choose between France and his family. " Decision "discretionary" the Elysee The "discretionary" decision of the President is part of a "humanitarian choice," opposition does at the Elysee, where it is deemed "extravagant" the avalanche of criticism. As for the prolonged silence of the Head of State, it would be the expression of a "desire to have his schedule." Another argument advanced by the Presidency: a return of the whole family in France amount to "sit on the court decisions" that allowed his deportation. A carefully orchestrated communication A new quack most reminiscent of the announcement of the "moralization of public life" after the affair Cahuzac when such measures solemnly announced by François Hollande since Elysee were met with criticism of President (PS) of the Assembly Claude Bartolone. With news