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VIDEO GAMES: Playstation 4 sold a million copies in 24 hours

  Even Microsoft has praised Sony! "Congratulations for the launch" of the Playstation 4, has he congratulated, Sunday, Nov. 17, its main competitor in the video game. U.S. giant is preparing For its part, out November 22 its own gaming console Xbox One. It must be said that Sony had to brag. The Japanese manufacturer has passed one million PS4 24 hours after its circulation in the United States and Canada. That's five times better than at the start of the previous console made in Sony. Two weeks after its launch in 2006, the PS3 had sold only about 200,000 copies . Storming of Europe Above all, this is a first whack at Nintendo. Japanese rival Sony has managed to sell only 450,000 Wii U consoles in one week marketing in the United States . For Sony, this first success makes it all the more credible its stated goal of selling three million PS4 by the end of the year. The Japanese giant s' ready, in fact, trying to seduce the European public from 29 November.