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SINGAPORE: Singapore, civilized, shaken by riots foreign workers

  Multiethnic city-state had not seen it for almost 45 years. Violent riots took place between Singapore on the night of Sunday to Monday, December 9, hundreds of foreign workers to the police. Since 1969, where 18 people were injured and police cars burned in racial violence, the city had not experienced such violence. It is the death of an Indian, crushed by a bus in the neighborhood "Little India" ("Little India"), where thousands of construction workers from the Indian subcontinent to re , together on Sunday to enjoy their day of rest, which caused clashes. A "banal accident" "On Sunday evening, all migrant workers, mostly Bangladeshis, gathered at Little india says Carrie Nooten, FRANCE 24 correspondent in Singapore. They wait for vehicles back to their dorms after their sites. It happened, it is a commonplace occurrence. A young 33 year old man crossed the road out nails and the bus did not see. He died almost instantly, "says Carrie Nooten. Quickly, about 400 people are then taken to the offending bus, and police cars. Ten police officers are among the wounded, according to police. "Thirty vehicles were damaged, burned an ambulance. Unheard of in Singapore for 45 years, adds FRANCE 24 correspondent. Twenty-seven people were arrested and others are under arrest. They may 7 to 10 years in prison and a flogging, inherited the British colonies. " Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the government would be firm with the rioters. "We will spare no effort to identify those responsible and impose the full force of law," he accused. A strong dependence on immigrant labor In this city-state without stories where authorities reign absolute order, this incident demonstrates the vulnerability of the Singaporean system, which has always depended on a strong hand to oelig & , WORKING-immigrant. The presence of South Asian workers is also subject to ongoing criticism from Singaporeans strain. With AFP