
Divx.com: ww.divx.com, wwww.divx.com, www.divx.com, divx, divx player, divx web player

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Divx.com information
Searches: ww.divx.com, wwww.divx.com, www.divx.com, divx, divx player, divx web player, divx codec, divx plus, divx hiq, codec, divx plus web player, divx download, divx converter About DivX.com (divx.com): Codec news and downloads, information and movie trailers.Divx.com is ranked #2,890 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. While we estimate that 18% of its visitors are in the US, where it is ranked #3,878, it is also popular in Mexico, where it is ranked #1,867. Compared with internet averages, its users are disproportionately male, and they tend to be childless people browsing from home and school. It has a bounce rate of about 54% (i.e., 54% of visits consist of only one pageview). DivX.com's visitors view 2.1 unique pages each day on average.