Brawn GP Racing Team


Thursday, 7 May 2009 Brawn GP - Pictures from Barcelona Just to wet your appetite for this weekend a few pictures i've just found on COVER (FROM THIS PICTURE THE COVER LOOKS ASYMETRICAL)
So what do these pictures tell us? Well I think we are still holding some cards close to our chest as from other pictures I have seen we have the old engine covers in place on the chassis. Whether Sir Richard has sold the advertising space he has to the Film studio or whether this is additional sponsorship I await to see. I previously posted some pictures of a front wing arrangement that I now feel may be incorrect until I have clarification I have taken them down. Read more...      rated 4.0 by 2 people [?3 comments
Labels: barcelona , bgp001 , brawn gp , f1 , news , pictures Getting involved with the blog Don't be shy, I've noticed of late that we have a massive reader base and I don't mind keeping you all up to date with everything Brawn GP but you can all get involved and pass your own judgements too. I've added a new tool so that when you post a comment to the site you can also have your own avatars and add pictures etc. I've also added a link to my twitter page ( which I will also update as much as I can.Read more...      Be the first to rate this [?